
That Which Are

The crimson blossom
on a leafy stalk
a contrast
a brilliance

A black bird
on a silvery wall
a distinction

Azure blue sea
washes the brown sand
a phenomenon
day in and day out

The lofty mountains
try to reach the sky
a significance
one of stature

The village
teemed with people
natural in manners
modest means

So could I go on
the trials
the good and the bad
in life well lived


The Blossom

The tiny white bud
on a verdant stalk unfolds.
A routine phenomenon
impresses a splendor.

The petals unfurl
one by one
in a slow motion
represent a sophistication.

The flower blooms
acquires an exquisite form
symbolic  of glory
an untold fascination.

I watch with awe
keep near to the plants
check them unfold
exhilaration permeates.

It is exuberance
to see a girl come of age.
The sprightly little one
matures. An evolution.

Daring and mischievous
she becomes responsible.
A switch  over.
Smooth  transition.

The uncouth growth
changes graceful. Cheeks
glow. The coy smile

Nimble-footed and delicate
the adolescent looks angelic.
Amazing.  Metamorphical!
I stand spellbound


The Fortune Teller.

A fortune teller is at the door.
Dressed in a garb,orange predominant
stripes of green and blue dots
make him look weird.

Amma, “I will tell you
what is in store? Will predict
with exactitude. Trust me”,
he pleads.

I bid him to go away.
I am not interested to know
the future as I am not keen
to know the present.

Life moves on with a fall back,
overthrows, crosses and settles
as the tide recedes. Nothing
spectacular will happen.

I have been in a continuous trial.
Struggles are part of my existence
so are the gratifications.
This is how I behold.

The fortune teller turns back.
Understands my status.
At last for once I am not carried away
by  compassion.

Fortunate, I have never been.
tribulations wash me ashore.
I wade against the flood.
That has been my course.


The Win Over

With concerns in mind
that of the past
the days that have flown,
the events forgotten,
I pass the time.
with no more of rejoice.

The anecdotes throng
the remarks struck sharp, an eventuality
that penetrates, the insight
validates the discomfort,
I spend the duration
with no  rejuvenation.

The tears trickle unchecked
like the waterfall. The humiliations,
and the taunts I encountered
cause a suffering unethical,
I remain all the way
with no  cheer.

Let alone the bygone,
those that brought subjugations
and sufferings. They unnerve
and digress. Overcome them
with a smile. I tell myself.
I seek an honor in solace.


Vaijayanthi Emerges Negative

Vaijayanthi’s attitude
throws one apart.

Imperial she seems
a high handedness
am unable to accept.

Supercillious she is.
talks with an air of pride
offensive all the more.

Critiques and criticizes all
could be I this point
might be you the later.

I watch her close.
Fascinated, I smile
Restrain with  discipline.

Initial, she has to find herself,
should  realize her competence,
her worth.

Value belongs not to the material
rests on the texture.

That makes you what you are.
Being the spirit, the diligence
and the brilliance.




Confined in a modest room
for sixteen days. I drink sesame oil
munched palm jaggery.
I stay bored.

I tiptoe, a deceit anyhow
My watchful aunt stops me.
Back in the room, I remain

I call her names. Not aloud,
she would flog me if she picks up.
I stretch out on my rough bed.
I am penalized for no reason.

She reads through the papers,
One eye on the news
while another on me.
I make faces at her.

It is half past nine
she appears at the door
with a board game.
Something unfamiliar to me.

It s a conventional one
with fourteen pits.
The rosewood board glitters.
I listen to her directives.

She fills the pits with cowry.
distributes the white shells
going counterclockwise.
Says repeated playing would
turn me a arithmetical wizard.

I follow her. She commits
mistakes knowingly.
Makes way for me to win.
I undertake with intensity

The game goes on for hours.
A trick she indulges to keep
me occupied. I enjoy, the motivation,
the technique and the skill.

The girls when they attain age
have to be in seclusion.  Isolated.
Overseen by aunts and  grand mothers.
A time to strengthen the physique.

My affable aunt expresses discipline
and love all the more, prepares
protein rich food. The prescribed diet
makes the young girl’s body strong.
A nourishment for the future.
The prospect of child-bearing years

I contemplate as how to honour the guests.
who would grace to my granddaughter’s ceremony?
The good old days and the memories
of my aunt inspire me. I decide.
Order Pallanguzhi and Palm jaggery for chocolates.
Substitutions  unheard off!

How will be the response?
I dare not deliberate.