Actions Anger break Cross Evolution fatigue Fraction Lesson Life Looks Placid Poem subscriptions thoughts True turmoil

Bearing The Cross

Bearing the cross is Lina’s destiny.

The causes for the happening might be many.

The fault might emanate from so many.

The significant indicator pointed to Lina if not to any.


There was an uproar over a mishap.

Lina went there by chance in the crucial lap.

She stood mutely watching the crap.

Quick as a wink she fell into the trap.


The main opposition vanished in a second.

The other party was delirious for more than a second.

 Their eyes caught hold of Lina in a fraction of a second.

Accusations overflowed in a spate  within a second.


Lina did not understand a thing about it.

Yet she had to face the brunt without knowing it.

She did stand the vehemence with a brave outfit.

She said “I am no way responsible for it”


This might be something not of importance.

Lina is not the only catching up with the reference

Lina represents the many who are punished for other’s offence.

The likes of Lina  have to bear the cross in defense.





Actions Environment Experience Interpretation Lesson Life Poem Study subscriptions thoughts turmoil

Burns to the Earth.

There was a fire burning red.


Lit up to burn the rubbish.


It flagged and waved with the wind.


It then turned into  grey fumes.


It suffocated the inhabitation.


The  smoke emanated  foggy white flakes.


It polluted the environment.


It then subsided into black cinders. 


The ash got spread in the brown terrain.


It lay for ages fresh and undecomposed.


An array of colours  produced a devastation.


An unbearable heat caused a parchment.


Actions Anger Evolution Experience fall fatigue Interpretation Lesson Life Looks strange Study subscriptions thoughts turmoil

Step Up Lina.

Lina, for all I know, had a setback that day.

It kept Lina locked for a day.

She sat speechless the whole day.

She was not her usual self that day.


Lina,all I know, is invincible.

She had overcome events terrible.

She faces disasters with spirit credible.

But that day she was inconsolable.


Lina, for all I know, is of a stern stuff.

She never in exasperation huff or puff.

She is not a snobbish vain  buff.

But, that day she was terse and gruff.


Lina ,for all I know, is a girl of pride.

She carries  herself with a charismatic glide.

She speaks in an unleashing stride.

But that day she was in a low tide..


Lina, for all I know, is a lovely angel.

She is a dainty, kind angel.

She is a sweet-tempered angel.

But, that day she was looking like a fallen angel.


Lina, for all I know, is a private person.

She behaved  with an idealistic  reason.

She is a flower of all seasons.

But, that day, she was  in enormous tension.


Lina, I know not your turmoil.

Could you not create a foil?

Could you not put an end to this toil?

Lina would come out of it without a soil.







Truth Dies

A two-year fight has come to a close.

The outcome resulted in a froze.

The long struggle was always morose.

It derived its fundamentals from a strong source.

It was going with a veritable force.

The preparation was  a researched course.

Truth was the underlying  recourse.

The proceedings were interrupted by a resource.

It was a bribe that hit a blow.

The lobbying did the magical glow.

Truth got distorted in the flow.

Money seized the prime status in a row.

It proposed a Valentine’s throw.

The constituted board admitted a bow.

The strike off was washed ashore.

The dismissal came to the fore.

The righteous lost his floor.

The criminal gained  his galore.

Truth finally died an hour ago.

Actions Economy Experience fall Fly Lesson Life Poem subscriptions Theory thoughts

The Kite’s Flight- Allegory

It was a high-flying kite.

It glimmered in the sun-bright.

Carrying the colours red, blue and white,

It rose up and up to great heights.


The children cried in delight.

They were thrilled at the sight.

The kite  enacted a great fight.

It rose up and up to great heights.


The cord that held it extended right.

It, in its elongation, got tight.

The kite faltered in its flight.

Yet, it rose up an up to great heights.


The cord knotted itself in a bite.

The knots closed up to a strangling plight.

The kite made a descent slight.

Alas! it fell down and down from great heights.

Man’s ascent has a tremendous insight.

He muscles and manipulates to reach atop alright.

His movement  gets mulled at a point outright.

He tumbles down  to the ground  like the falling kite.


Actions Beauty dance Enlightenment Experience Life Looks Love reverberation smile thoughts

The Dance of Little Meenu.

Little Meenu was singing all by herself.

She was dancing all by herself.

She was the  star performer that day

She was the best dancer all the way.


Meenu was  singing at the top of her voice.

Her imagination extended beyond  her toys.

Nursery rhymes were her best choice.

She set them to her own tune with rejoice.

Round and round she went in  steps slow.

She  danced merrily to the melodious flow.

It was both western and oriental in one blow.

Her singing and dancing made her glow.


Her first line was “row,row,your boat”.

It was followed by “are you sleeping ” in a float.

She went back to “row, row, your boat”

She then sang   “Baa,Baa Black sheep” as an end note.


Meenu covered the  big  stage with ease.

Her movements were  soft as a snowy fleece.

Her melody was like a  soft breeze.

Her recital was an impressive feast.

Actions Duty Evolution Experience insecure Interpretation Lesson Life Man Theory thoughts True

Walks Of Life

Bisect the angle cried the Mathematician.

Dissect the frog called the Biologist.

Inject the vial  screamed the  Surgeon.

Infuse the chord ranted the electrician.

Lock in the water shouted the plumber.

Launder the money murmured the tycoon.

Hold me up  beseeched  the Minister.

Hush up dictated the tyrant.

Vote for me pleaded the politician.

Vouch for me demanded the businessman.

Align me with things good concluded the innocent.

Allow me to live  happily implored the commoner.

Actions desire Dispassionate Experience fatigue Inspiration Interpretation Poem Study subscriptions Theory thoughts

Lady of The Mentally Robbed.

She looked brave and fearless.

Her status was great and righteous.

She volunteered to handle the tactless.

She did with all the more diligence nevertheless.


Taking care of the deranged was troublesome.

She accomplished it with a grace wholesome.

She never complained about her duty cumbersome

Rather she had to toil for nothing awesome.


Willingness  drove her to undertake the work.

Initially  her lack of experience landed her in dark.

The inmates greeted her with a loud bark.

She got accustomed like  a graceful  lark.


As years rolled she became familiar with her job.

She was a genuine aid not a snob.

She created among the deranged a meaningful throb.

No wonder, she was hailed as the “lady of the mentally robbed”

Actions Duty Experience Study subscriptions thoughts

So on and So forth

Anxiety mounts up.

Tension creeps up.

Fear rises up.

Pressure scales up.

The results are coming up.

It is not the presidential election.

It is neither the award presentation.

Do not look at me that way.

Do not call me silly.

I await, I see through the gateway.

It is the promotion of my child always.

From Kindergarten to grade 1.

From grade 1 to grade 2.

So on and so forth.

Actions Age Evolution Experience Poem Story subscriptions

The Loving Grand Pa

Early in the morning there was a sound.

It was not the cock a doodle do.

It was not the clock’s ding-dong.

It was not the baby’s shrill cry.

It was not the bird’s sweet call.

It was not the mother’s shout.

It was not the father’s retort.

It was not the boy’s grumbling.

It was not the paper boy’s cycle bell.

It was not the milkman’s  loud alarm.

It was not the whistling tea-pot.

It was not the hissing shower.

It was, it was, a snore.

Emanating from grand pa.