
A Piece of Advice.

Storing things at the attic

keeping them intact in shape.

away from the termite attack

cleaning and dusting every week

seem to be fine  and easy

when the going is  good

when there is  help around

when the age is by your side

with the assistance becoming scarce

with the spirit getting  weak

with the age registering its toll

the collection  proves bothersome

forcing a clearance in a way

somehow or other they need to be cleared

either for money or  as  a donationtermite attack

whichever suits you most

take it the right stride

and get ahead on time.







Chauvinism And Feminism

Men can do anything

with his chauvinistic rights

while women can do nothing

with their feminine sights.

The stronger sex as man is called

go about with a holistic spree.

The weaker females as they are known

care about the minute  details in glee.

The weak are strong-willed

much against their physical frame

The strong have an inner turmoil

very much hidden all the same.

The competitive edge goes on

with one complementing the other

making the balance hold in equilibrium

not one tilting the other

foretelling the damage  and casuaimages (1)lity.










What Are We made Off?

Neither do I nor do you know

what we are made of.

Saying we are of blood and flesh

bones and nerves  in abundance

skin and hair most visible

give us a picture of  outside perception

The inward eye and heart

the feeling  and expression

the sentiment and experience

go to work on the blood

giving it a tension and hypertension

call upon the flesh mostly

allowing it to sag and grow baggy

try to make the bones brittle and worn out

while the nerves get a break down

while the skin wrinkles and loses shine

and the hair Flesh...Blood.full.422688recede and falls

leaving one aged and bald,

Can anyone tell me what we are made off?

authentically and in a promise.







The Weatherly Distractions.

With rains playing truant

with the sun shining high in a vivant

the place looks deserted and deviant

with no greenery and verdant

as the trees have dried  and look scary

leaves have turned yellow and appear weary

people look exhausted  and cheerless

sweltering in heat and  helpless

perspiring greatly fuming and frothing

well, the global warming

has played the havoc greatly

making the fertile land a desert instantly

and a desert still worse immediately.images







Mountainous Call

Mountains look high and tall
Majestic and towering they recall
Gigantic and awesome they appear.
A fine land mass brisk and elaborate
stretching very extensively
almost touching the sky upwards
at the most rising from the ground
up they go in steep heights
Round and round they climb in great weights.
Lofty and holy they seem from earth
with green trees and plants as wealth.
They being Nature’s rhythmic delight
callimountainous for a peep and peer from within the light.





The Windy Wind—- Music.

The wind is a song pleasing

with a breeze blowing gently

humming into your ears

passing through your face

making your hair fly

and you enjoy the soft blow,


The wind also is a song  of anger.

as a storm blowing fiercely

upsetting every other on the way

destroying the ambience

killing a few in its ferocious blow

devastating the lives of many.



The wind blows sad

with the haunting sound

penetrating through the trees

making the leaves rustle in melancholy

more or less echoing like a cry

as though emanating from the wilderness.




The bellows of the instruments

derive their music from the wind

with the flute and harmonica

along with the trumpet and saxophone

with clarinet and the Indian wind blowing

that work on the wind’s technique.



















A Man Cheated.

Away he went with seething anger
cursing everyone with a danger
swearing with accursed synonyms
calling for a consequence in an antonym
Poor man he being deceived by his siblings
deprived in the most of all his belongings
unable to retrieve them much he tried
had to relinquish them I feel afraid
as he has to stay in this world safe in a demure
fearing greatly that his remaining days would turn insecureangry man


A Folly

It is a folly 

a flaw  unholy

saying it fully

he went solely

with none to  a place holy

paid obeisance  to God  wholly

walked back slowly

with a spirit lowly

as time passes hastily

got  estranged and lonely

crying with anger desperately

ending up  invariably.folly










Jolly Go Song

A jump here and a jump there

came she with a bump,

With a look here and a look there

came she with a lump.

With a grouse here and a grouse  there

came she with a stump.

With a force  here and a force  there

pushed she everything into a dump

With a frown here and a frown there

turned she her face in a grump.

With a  fat here and fat there

appeared she plump.

With an adieu here and an adieu there

went she  making all numb.chubby-girl-no-sign











Know Not What Is Dating?

Having been brought in a close-knit family

with a discipline  strong and great

monitored from a distance  daily

with the scrutinising eyes on a follow

knew not what is love?


Love, I mean that of man to woman

never thought of   love and dating

never had a chance to date in a betting

as wedding became an arranged on in a setting

started to love the groom  with


Loving after marriage seems strange

but that was my permissible range

the exchanges even after came under a gauge

with the coyness discreetly extended in a strange

everything remained subtle in an arrange.


With marriage the love grew

became a bind inseparable all true

as years took wings in a flew

the bond thickened with a glue

standing tall and high with fervour due.