open Poetry window

The window Is Open.

The window opens out

could see the world throughout

the light passes in with a flair

the breeze rushes in with a care

the eyes are caught in a glare

stretching the sight with a stare

park on objects both high and low

there they eye on the stars in a glow

whose twinkle is slightly a twinge

it could also be a streaky hinge

the stars move in a range

the eyes emit an enthusiasm strange

the loftiness holds the breath

the idealism they illustrate lends a strength

that much for the greatness in all

a little lower rather down on the ground

lies the mud with rough stones aroundwindow

the eyes slowly traverse through

find a lot of meaning in their humility very true

the ruggedness is quite explicit

the realism elucidated is implicit

that is most we see through the window

the enhanced high and the enigmatic low.

fauna Poetry

The Fauna And Flora

Birds do not reside any more
have flocked to places far away
there being plenty of grains in store
a lot of fresh water in stock
the migration is conspicuous and voluminous
with thin residue left behind in AlfredSchulte-009-high-res-Forty-spotted-Pardalote-623x200
that being a group of oldies
stay put in the city for good
unable to fly that much distance
live with almost nothing
feed on what little found
that makes them sustain
they survive for a few months
and pass off unknown
a great dwindle it is as shown
the fauna and flora decrease
leaving the region bare

entry Nine Gates Poetry

The Nine Gates In Line

A mother’s womb is so warm

as the baby glides slowly it cries shrill

as if it is out in a storm

when laid on the mother’s bosom

it sleeps quiet and calm.


The child sucks the breast hard

finds no milk at once

there hangs the umbilical cord

stained in damp red blood

illustrates the birth bold.


The phenomenon of growth

from childhood to adulthood

arranged with learning in all likelihood

as the child attains manhood

with intentions all good.


Love and hate cross intermittent

there is a conflict well displayed

with the abhorrence gaining a determinant

love in a scope is not prominent

the clash of egos become imminent.


The contradictions are magnified much

the feuds take the magical wand

they easily dislocate the fastened bond

the I in me and the I in you are around

the battle is fought, one losing the ground.


A slight adjustment here

a light alteration there

could bring in wonders with a shine

the resultant be an endearment fine

that would open all the nine gates in line.

nine gates>

Contentment Poetry

The Chosen Way

Anything more to say
it has passed in a way
what is going to stay?
emphatically nothing in a nay
think of that anyway
that is a beacon in a ray
peace and contentment in everyway
should be your chosen waypeace and contentment.


At Times

Flexible you could be at times .

Adjustable you should  be at times.

Changeable you must  be at times.

The coulds, shoulds and must are chimes.

They should strikebell only during certain times.

Never should they echo at all times.


Do I Do?

Lot I wanted to do yesterday.
Lot I wish to do today
Lot I hope to do tomorrow
it is a lot always
but nothing done all days.2-priorities

extricate Poetry relieve

The Clasp And Hold

The clasp and hold
that could not be told
keeps one in a fold
however, one might be bold
they come know not from where
they do really tear
even though there be utmost care
the tightness is beyond bear
extricating oneself from them is a trick
have to come out without a prick
it is like setting a brick by brick
so meticulous and patient not too quick
This could be a symbolic verse
aims to relieve the stress.

clasp and hold

endanger Poetry reaction.encounter

Every Action ——Physics

For every action
there be an opposite reaction
not only, this is science
it also extensively signs
the impasse of the world
not clothed in words
found in real terms
experienced in events firm
met in unforeseen circumstances
it could be an encouter
straignt or hidden behind
it also could be a lesson quote-lead-follow-1024x722
dmight be a turning point
if it directs to the good
it has served the purpose
if it reports and restores bad
it is endangered and erroneous
Be careful with instigations
specially toeards reactions.

juxtaposed Life Poetry travel

The Crow On A Cow

The crow sat on a cow happily
as the white animal walked lazily
the bird black cawed feverishly
the cow sauntered with no aim
the crow went with it all the same
the one silent and flabby
the other noisy and skinny
a contrast visible all through
the black and white being of colour
the small and big of appearance
with an addition of other qualities
the soft alternated with loud
the nobility juxtaposed with treachery
the likely opposed to the unlikely
the enamoured compared with the endangered
both travelling together in a style
that of being one upon another in a move
Well, that be life in all aspects
might sound good or bad in all respects. Cow_and_crow_in_Siliguri

madurai Poetry Vaigai

Bridal Blush – River Vaigai

The river is almost full
it flows with a great pull
a scene rare to see
as it is always free
water is a rare phenomenon
as the rains failed to come
unwanted things occupy the river bed
where cattle loiter instead
it appears as a polluted basin
where the city’s waste drains
the foul smell it emanates all around
destroy the environ in an abound
the ghastly sight was an eyesore
as the city became unfit to living
the water now flows with an ease
extending a fresh look and river vaigai lease
it is but wonderful to see the gush
as the river runs with a bridal blush.