
The Evening Drive,

Going out in the evening

looking at the shops big and small

glorified with lights colourful

found  also over the tress on the roads

blue ,pink and white lights flicker

with the neon lights on the pavements

and the sodium vaporised lights shining bright

the darkness of the night dispelled

being eliminated by illumination

the moon over the skies

shining demurely and peevishly

feeling shy of the earthly lights

while the stars refuse to come out

afraid of the twinkling lights  far below

the man-made fusions succeed so well

that they pose a threat to the constellation

leaving the firmament bare and dark

the artificial overpowering the natural as ever

that which is new would seem better

the old losing its gleam  in the endeavour

thus goes the evening drive across the city.





The Lure Of The Mountains

There be a great mountain

far away and high

towering over the plains

majestic and great.


The mountain is not bewitching as all

splendid it appears in form

amazing it looks in its calm

nothing ostentatious around.


The trees growing high and green

the vegetation expressing a charm

there could find no deviation other

being composed and dignified.


The exhibitory nature there be none

beinmountainsg a proposition of command

striking and stretching in its lure

delivering a scenery of allure.


The massive structure creates an awe

that one of an inspiring dedication.

Great be its composure and fixation.

greatest being its simplicity and depth.


The lovely slopes with grass all over.

The peak seemingly near to the sky

lifts the being to heights definite

leading all to the path of eternity.


The Distribution

Eating the cream
leaving the crust
has been his way.

Eating everything
leaving nothing
has been another’s way.

Eating nothing
not even something
has been yet another’s way.

There goes the equation
with a distribution
rightful or not rightful.

That is the way of life
while one strives
the other sleeps.

That be always
a great delight in ways
nothing to chase 

That be most
a burden utmost
initiating a force.
eating a pie


All About God

God be with you

goes the blessings

a true feeling from the heart

sounding little strange too.


If God be within us

why do we slip and tumble?

Not physically but in actions

other than that.


If by the blessing we go

Why do we speak lies?

why do we  act wicked?

there  seems to be a contradiction.


God forbid they say.

What is there to stay away?

when you go not against rules

this quote looks off the mark.


The forbiddance  rises

when there happens to be  chaos

that much could be felt

not required  otherwise



God is there, a voice announces.

He is there almost everywhere

seen though not visibly

a phenomenon none deny.


God is there .

If that be true

Why do we see so much atrocities?

again there is fall out.


Calling God for all things

good and bad

shows the faith of men

once again goes up the suspicion.


With faith and belief

getting strong  by the days

there  be in the rise terrorism

a  defiance vibrant  all the more.









The Falls.

The falls fell
over the rocks in tell
ringing like bellfalls.


Chasm Unexpected


it being a gathering’ a meeting after a long time

relatives and friends getting together

could be termed as a reunion.


The convention aimed at kinship

where the forgotten faces would be seen

the memories long would be revived

inducting a bondage and rejuvenation.


This confluence fell short of its motives

being there not cordial exchanges

mostly there was a comparison

of who is rich and powerful.


The interaction as it would be

was about all the defaults in the other

that he not responding an invitation

calling him a sneak and head strong.


The amiability was not to be deciphered

with scorn and contempt scoring high percentile

the purpose of the confluence getting defeated

the dispersal became a source of energy.


The meeting came to an end

with the date being fixed for the next one

could hear many grumble and mumble

expressing their dissent in a murmur.


The get together as they are fashionably acclaimed

never brings in a togetherness

instead they ensue a chasm unexpected

that be of status, power and wealth.



 wealth and power

The Guest

There was the bell at the door
opening widely the door
found an unassuming entrant
who came without a dissent.

He moved with me so fast
wherever I went with a cast
radiating a warmth unbearable
and a sweat intolerable.

Tried to push him out
he did not go all throughout
staying with me not only for the day
prolonged his duration by months in a way.

He paid no charges
lived comfortably with me
making me slog and perspire
putting me to such hardships.

Battered waited for his exit
with patience and endurance in the kit
he did not bother to find another place
being happy and pleasant in my place.

When would you go out ? I sulk
not today or tomorrow he says UnwantedGuest11looking bulk
When would you? I shout
he replies in the negative standing stout.

He would be with me for another six months mostly
disturbing me with his incessant heat totally
Oh! you, the  sun please let me alone I beseech
as no longer could I put up with your preach



Being Born Have To Die

Sauntering up and down

with the frame of  work

that be going in the mind

for a long time down the years

as how to complete the task

being nothing very imminent

but getting important

with the years advancing

as how to fulfill the mission

that not be very noble

holding no virtues

that of being born as a human

wish to be of some use to the community

not want to die

as one who was born

has to die  a phenomenon

natural and practical too

wanting to be little different

as to be of little help to the people around

never having tried so far

now aiming to do in quick

not knowing what to do

sit pensive for long

deliberating the way to perform.Michael-Rutzen_1-full_1


Breathes There The Man

Breathes there the man
so goes the poem all in a way
there be a breath in the men
that be the priority of the day
as men do all deeds treacherous
that exasperate the breath all the more
they being in the catch of the imperious
doing most dubious acts with the fervour.
as there be so much  infidelity around
the man’s breath turns out to be foul
keeping one and all in a bound
the man gets ahead of his crimes with a prowl.artworks-000039223986-e0hwyn-crop


Physical Turning Abstract.


The womb holding the child

that be for full ten months

going through much strain and pain

delivers a babe full grown

ushering in joy and mirth.


The babe grows into a toddler

almost inseparable from the  mother

nestling close to her bosom

this might last for a term short.


The boy in his full form

swaggers away from his mom

playing well away from her

coming to her when in need.


670px-Deliver-a-Baby-Step-9-Version-2The phase of growth takes over

he becoming an adolescent

likes the company of the mother

opting a much external tie up.


The ten month bondage  is strong  and binding

yet the mother need to understand

that growth is phenomenal  and vibrant

be it in physical or mental.


The maturity that comes  with the years

reminds him of his duty towards the mother

they indicate a self-sufficient stand

not meaning a total dependence.


This being the state of human growth.

that of a baby to an adult in a stroke

where alignment wean off  gradually

with the physical turning abstract