
The Story Of John.

I read the story of John.
His life is inspiring  I wish to imbibe

A story of a man in 1830’s
I  am astounded.

He suffered so much in his prime
He was declared insolvent. It was a manipulated attempt.
His foes won.

He appealed and restored his pride.
He did not wish  to stay in his country.

Set sail to a distant land
with his wife and three kids.

It was a journey that lasted 130 days.

He worked with diligence. Struggled.
His unstinted tries made him a millionaire.

Earned fame. His publications grew .
He became a baron.

He went back to his motherland.
Paid his creditors the principal with interest.

I admire the man. My heart goes out to him.
I salute his greatness. His integrity is honourable. A few are there.

Such men are rare.  A few we find.
May their tribe increase.


Mix And Stir

Mix and stir
a formula
simple and common
a process ordinary
performed time and again
in kitchens, as you would expect.
I would say not only there,
but in venues otherwise
where the mixture undergoes
a transformation unexpected
turns into rumours, slanders
and lies- a cover up to the sham
and imbecility concealed carefully
under the blanket of ingenuity.


Turn Of Events.

A day of no events
just the dawn and the dusk
seemed to pass off seamlessly
when a sudden jolt unheard,
unseen and unexperienced
created a shudder so rude,
nothing internally as one would anticipate
being a deafening thunder with
a blinding lightning followed by a downpour
that fell as a sheet of rain almost impenetrable
a frightening night it was all the same
as the rains lashed out with a noise
rattling over the roof, striking the window panes
flooding the land, inundating the low areas
terrible as such, disastrous and bewildering.


Two Little Sparrows.

Two little sparrows
hop together and play
in the garden.

They trot across in joy
skip over the flower beds
picking the pollens.

In the backyard,
a bowl of rice is kept
in a bowl.

Mostly boiled
at times raw
as a feed.

Both hurry to the yard
fly around the bowl
and settle down.

I see them through the glass
never do I open the door,
I stay in till they finish.

it is a pleasure
to see them enjoy
I never miss out.

Not that it is a charity
or philanthropy of great
a small act very replenishing.


Whatever It Might Be

A break in the middle
be it to a twig
turns unmendable.

Could not be the same
be it to a bone
mostly retrievable.

A snap in a career
be it voluntary or unexpectedly
has its impact: good or bad.

The way you see it
sets the ball rolling
would take you to the goal.

I might be too preachy, nevertheless,
it is how one has to go about.
Accept the dictum and move ahead.

No more pain or fear
we have to live the life
with a meaning and for a purpose.


The Way She Transformed

Haphazard in her fits
clumsy in her manners,
she minds, not a bit
never she is a planner
takes life in the ride
moves cheerful among all.
One day she turns a bride
stands very elegant and tall
beautiful in her bridal costumes.

She looks around with delight,
smiles coyly at her hubby
neat, organised and bright
she is slightly chubby
awesome, is it not?
I admire her transformation
striking difference.Is it not?
I watch her with rapt attention.


That Day.

Went to sleep early that day
quite unusual in a way.

Woke up in the morning to the news
shocking and sudden. Could it be a ruse?

The currencies of denominations
500 and 1000 have undergone a ramification.

The overnight announcement
brought a denouement .

Ushered in an era of digitalisation
no more of cash in circulation.

A blow to the super rich
who hastily tried to ditch.

Loads of those notes
remain without a note.

Will the demonetization
clean the Indian nation?

A move to unearth black money
done in a way discreet, not funny.

Many detractors call it uncivilised
not those who are dignified.


Condemn It As Jealousy.

Feeling envy is in the blood.
The grudge that comes up
needs no reason whatsoever.
The expression overcomes the analysis
being solely out of greed.
Nay not be it also the competence
that holds a larger share.
The thought of not able to achieve as much.
The feeling of not equalling the physical looks.
The desire to outsmart and out beat a success
all these go to bring in the hot jealousy
the way in and  the way out  this goes along
day in and day out this happens
being impossible to smother the claim
the spurt of unusual feel happens all of a sudden
this spontaneous and that which had been inherent
along with the one that has been accumulating with the years
bursts out unimaginably creating a dire consequence
condemn it to as jealousy and go your way.


The Soul Of The Infinite-Ghazal

The fathomless ocean in its enormity
silences me, being the character of the infinite.

I stay gazing at the tides
that flow in a nonchalance for times infinite

The greenish blue hue shimmers in the sunlight
brightens and softens in a range, the glory of the infinite.

The noise and the bustle around become insignificant
as the ocean roars with a resonance, the soul of the infinite.

Being a while near the ocean
the eternity encapsulates with a solemnity- a merge with the infinite


The Rena I know.

Being in one of the moods
either it be of happiness
or one reflective of bitterness
Rena shows extreme emotions.

A cry that breaks the heart
is her way to show sorrow.

A shout too loud to accept
is how she demonstrates her indignation.

A laughter that knocks the roof down
is the manner she expresses her mirth.

A sound terrible and fearful
could be resultant of an apprehension.

Not ever moderate she is.
She is extravagant every time

That be the Rena I know
an epitome of flamboyance.