Actions Experience Interpretation Life Theory thoughts

The Original Duo

The conduct of the original duo,

Likens to a differential aglow,

Pulling out from one a few months ago,

Inducting another stealthily as an alto,

Pretending to be genuine at the fro,

Eventually a planned ploy in a turbo,

It is an intended imperative although,

Similar to a conceited grab in a limbo,

Well, the attitude of the duo,

Is as original as the wind flow.


Actions Anger Interpretation silence thoughts turmoil Wish

A Pullback

My heart sank to the deepest blue,

The  day’s events pulled me down true,

A shot of quick anger rose in a flew,

A drop of tear rolled down in a groove,

The heart stopped in a slew,

I buried my head in a dejection all through.


A few minutes later I got up with vigour,

Brushed aside the tear in a rigour,

Sidelined the events to a meagre,

Abated the fuming resulting out of trigger,

Rose up with a stature even bigger,

Resolved to emerge victorious with a glitter.



Actions Life Man thoughts True Wisdom

What Goes to Make a Man?

The charm in anyone is the sincerity,

Telling things straight directly,

Referring instances exactly,

Hiding nothing wantonly,

Letting bare the facts simply,

Keeping truth as a  basic quality,

Pushing lies down as a sin instantly,

Go to make a man in all credibility.

Actions Experience Fraction Progress Story thoughts turmoil Wealth

The Story of a Family.

It was only  few years back,

The  family’s going was good ,

The pride was  extremely high,

The cheer was delightfully great,

Naturally, its arrogance was exorbitant.


The family made  a loud show off,

A gross vanity was  directly found,

A rudeness was  always practised,

A  total disrespect to all was shown,

Its  impudence was  absolutely unbearable.


Today the scenario has changed,

The progress has been stalled by their insincerity,

Their prosperity has eroded considerably,

Their  prestige has been lost effectively

Still they have not  realised the reality.


It is a pity to see the family ,

Facing a loss of enormous wealth

Seeing its vast properties auctioned,

Experiencing an untold misery and shame,

Still unable to accept the fault which they committed.


Examining the plight of the family straight,

Traced the folly of the person at the helm,

It was an unmindful expansion all through,

Neatly setting aside a sizeable portion for him,

Landing the business in an unprecedented  debacle.


The team of husband and wife strove hard,

Built an empire by thoughtful moves,

Engaged themselves in philanthropic activities,

Handed everything to one son by love or ploy ,

Saw the whole thing crash like a pack of cards.


Favouring a  part of their  own family most,

Shelling out a  fruitful fraction to the other part,

Taking away mercilessly what was given from one child,

Making her languish in disappointment and tears,

Caused the family to suffer immensely.







Actions Hallucination thoughts turmoil

A Gory Idiom

Apparently it was a hallucination,

It came from nowhere,

It sounded hideous,

It shook the equanimity,

It became silent for a moment,

Deadly quiet and sullen,

The silence bore a distraction,

It was fearsome,

A croaking noise emanated,

Cracking the nerves and muscles,

It was a desolate voice,

Coming from a deep source,

Screeching shrill  and screaming,

Unravelling an abysmal  shout,

Sealing the mind to a gory idiom,

Devastating the life in all shades,

Alas! it tore the self into a faceless efficacy.

Actions Experience Interpretation Lesson Life thoughts

The Content of Smile

Smile is a weapon many know not,

It is a defence many know not,

It may be dubious many know not,

It may be ambiguous many know not,

It may be coy many know not,

It may hide sadness many know not,

It may be forced many know not,

It may be a retort many know not,

It may be jittery many know not,

It may fool at times many know not,

It may be romance many know not,

Yet smile radiates  a genial feel which all know.




Actions Enlightenment Enrichment Experience Lesson thoughts

Stay at Home

Hate to go out mostly,

Find solace at home,

The  incessant chatter disillusions,

The  irrelevant gossip disenchants,

The  eagle like stare penetrates,

The  stinging words pierce,

The  sharp sneer kills,

Cause not like to get out,

 Cause stay at home renders peace.

Actions Child Experience Interpretation Life thoughts Transitory

Transitory it is

The little one had a muffin,

Eating it bit by bit,

She enjoyed every bit,

She ate it little by little,

The taste added to her cheer,

She then took a hard bite,

A big piece got stuck,

She got choked ,

Her face turned pale,

Her eyes welled with tears,

The joy turned out dreary,

Oh! what a transformation,

All in a second.




Actions Experience Interpretation Life Pride sanguine Study subscriptions thoughts Wisdom

An Ode to Behaviour

It is called as a obstinacy,

It is termed as pride,

It is referred as exclusiveness,

It is summed up as withdrawal.


Whatever it may be observed,

A certain resolution is apparent,

A slight diffidence is felt,

A kind of aloofness is experienced.


Well, that looks interesting,

It is akin to a determined disposition,

It is similar to a non interventional distinction,

It is more or less a revered definition.


Likening it to a shining star is appropriate,

Alluding it to an embellishment is obvious,

Accepting it as a chaste demeanour is prudence,

Affliating it to a diplomatic policy is wisdom.


Calling it as adamancy is an intrigue,

Assailing it as high headedness is  a fallacy,

Deriding it as a behavioural enigma is callous,

Concluding it as a deviant measure is a disaster.


The attitude varies from person to person,

A sanguine perception is regarded high,

A non intrusive  temperament is found rare,

A sagacious discretion demands applause.



Actions Enlightenment Inspiration Recollection thoughts

A Remarkable Day

Winding up my work,

Folding all the documents,

Caught hold  of a paper,

Stuck in between the files,

Crushed and crumpled,

Torn and tattered,

I pulled it to throw away,

On second thought opened it,

Startled and staggered,

I gazed at it,

I read it ,

Not once but twice,

I went through it again,

My eye balls came out,

My jaws threw open,

My neck stretched further,

It was,it was——-,

A precious note,

A dear one,

Most valuable,

It was my honours degree,

Well, I myself have forgotten,

Years ago,I clinched the top rank,

Received a gold medal from the chancellor.

I went back some three and a half decades,

Visualised the day in great intensity,

A sprightly young girl hopping on to the stage,

Oh! What a remarkable day it was.