
The Woman’s Day

Woman’s Day a day being special
being a woman in all entirely
brought up with care special
doted by all elaborately
being kept in absolute security
that being of an Indian special
the way a girl is brought up invariably
with the mother’s eyes being watchful
the day starts with a strict monitor
skirts and high necked blouses covering full
a tight plait dangling in a loiter
jasmine or pitchi strung together
adorns the plait altogether.

Education being very exclusive
schools selected with care
colleges chosen with a derivative
girls lead a protected life without any share
the world around seems alien to most
it being a regular outing as nothing remarkable
the drive to school and back almost
nothing other than that was possible
the girls worked hard and in earnest
studied with an inclination to excel
many turned highly learned
a good take as being in different levels
the empowerment of woman has come with a gusto.

The Woman’s Day a distraction in this part
many know not what it is all about
being a celebration of the West
Indian ladies go about undisturbed
the awakening is only very recent
wishes come forth from not too many
same could be said of the other days
the Father’s Day, the Mother’s Day
lastly the Valentines Day
all rush in with a strong voice
the Indian community stands aghast
they who know about the festivals and rituals
think not of all these days as special
being on the whole sober to the core.

deductive Poetry

The Swan

The swan a symbol of pride
looks so beautiful on all sides
the profile is so elegant
the rear is so eloquent
the left lets out a charm
the right extends a balm.

Lovely, to see her glide in the waters.
Amazing, to watch her put up her feathers.
the stylish swim she undertakes
keep us mesmerised in a gaze
the calmness she professes in sail
calls for a loud hail.

The swan in Indian mythology
has no appropriate analogy
she is designed to be exclusive
she has the power of deductive
could sift the water from the milk exactly
a prowess of great merit definitely.swan sails


The Exclusiveness

The exclusiveness  I like

a way out from the rest

rather a way into the best

holds me to do with care

enthuse me to dare

a strain I do undergo

for which I forego

the comfort and ease

I guard myself against tease

go with a different approach

encumbered by not any encroach

it might look out of the blue

but that be my wish true

as I have lived so long thus

always without any fuss

many find me not to their liking

Well! it is my life I am living.



The Choice.

choiceThe classic choice they say

 creates an impression in a way

 that be true in all ways 

 choosing every time the best

 tries out the energy lest

yet we go through with a zest

 finally end up with a worst.



The Road I Take

The road I take
 leads me away
 as I take not the normal route
 going by an exclusive one
 that is shorter and quicker
free from the rush
 with no stopping of signals
no halting due to traffic chaos
sounds little imaginative
 yet it is true  and factual
 I take this always  as my way
going by a different  road
 the road not taken  by all
 not only while travelling
 but all through other deviations
that keep me in a place
 very much away from the rest
 the choice always being exclusive.

— road


The Graceful Little Girl

The little girl  is a catchy one

with beautiful eyes and lovely nose

eyes sparkling all the more with a glow

while  the lovely nose gives her a profile

so elegant and regal   with a dignity on the way.



Must be enchanting to see her

You might secretly wish to glance at her

but she remains exclusive all the more  so

bubbling with an overwhelming enthusiasm

circling round her family and  close friends.



Being kept so by her mother in total exclusiveness

fearing any evil eye would bring harm to her daughter

the little girl surpasses anybody’s   idea all the more

excelling in attitude  and movement  with a grace

that  places her in a pedestal of grandeur.


If the little one appears in public

she is sure to raise the bar

as all eyes that fall on her all the more

would find themselves hard to transfer their sight

and see some one or other mundane and ordinary.



This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.little girl


A Gift Exclusive.

Carefully chosen

with no hasten

scrupulously  picked

with a deliberated tick

exclusively crafted.


All for my  son’s marriage

which became a  rage

rising up to a delight

attracting everyone’s sight

a gift rare to find.


Desiring the same  choice

as it commanded a poise

provoking everyone to distribute

the same gift with an attribute

that of exclusiveness .


Helpless I stand now

as I do not know

how to say no

as the cost might rattle

the buyers mood.


Requests come pouring

asking for a facilitating

how am I going to work?

causes  a worried irk

know not how to cross over?swan










Actions Experience Interpretation Life Pride sanguine Study subscriptions thoughts Wisdom

An Ode to Behaviour

It is called as a obstinacy,

It is termed as pride,

It is referred as exclusiveness,

It is summed up as withdrawal.


Whatever it may be observed,

A certain resolution is apparent,

A slight diffidence is felt,

A kind of aloofness is experienced.


Well, that looks interesting,

It is akin to a determined disposition,

It is similar to a non interventional distinction,

It is more or less a revered definition.


Likening it to a shining star is appropriate,

Alluding it to an embellishment is obvious,

Accepting it as a chaste demeanour is prudence,

Affliating it to a diplomatic policy is wisdom.


Calling it as adamancy is an intrigue,

Assailing it as high headedness is  a fallacy,

Deriding it as a behavioural enigma is callous,

Concluding it as a deviant measure is a disaster.


The attitude varies from person to person,

A sanguine perception is regarded high,

A non intrusive  temperament is found rare,

A sagacious discretion demands applause.