Story subscriptions thoughts Wish

Another Year Dawns

It is going to be another year,

The stroke of midnight is heard clear,

Away goes 2011 in the rear,

In comes in 2012 with cheer,

Pushing back the recession of last year,

Setting aside the bygone days fear,

The year that passes off was loaded with tears,

An outcome which threw all out of gear,

An economic show down   that ran out near,

Upheavals that dethroned dictators  clear,

Wars  shattered the world to a sneer,

Storms ,quakes , floods battered  severe,

Man stands aghast in  turmoil mere,

Another year dawns  in the sphere,

Making him to eye  an empowerment in the veer,

Let he be  blessed with all prosperity this year,

This is the hope for all every year,

Many cross links intrude making things drear,

Yet life goes on in eager anticipation unclear,

This is the story year after year.

What else  do you wish to hear?



Wishing all “A very happy new year”!





Creation Nature Rain thoughts

It was and it is.

It is snowing in the west,

It is sun shine in the far east, 

It is stormy in the top north,

It  is scorching in down south.


Nature has its own way,

Hosting a gale in the bay,

Holding the Sun in a ray,

It has its own say.


Rains play a  terrible havoc,

Initiating an incorrigible flow back,

Quakes shake the  basic track,

Imposing a bloody severe crack.


Storms ravage high and near,

Implicating a casualty dear,

Floods wash up in a rear,

Involving a great fear.


Fire rises in a flaming red,

Installing a feeling dread,

Snow imposes a shred,

Indexing everyone  to a  fled.


Nature goes about thus,

With a lot of fuss,

Provoking a terrifying gush,

Then subduing to a quiet hush.


This had been so for long,

It looks nothing wrong,

It is where we belong,

Much so Nature is a lively song.

break Default Duty Inspiration Interpretation Story Study subscriptions Theory thoughts True

It Has to be Back

It is back to the old place,

 Back to the usual pace,

Back in  the familiar space,

Back into the monotonous race.

All things have a back side,

All time has a back tide,

All levels have a back ride,

All steps have a back slide.


Going back home  is a pleasant return,

Reading back is a historical learn,

Falling back is a miserable  spurn,

Back to the original is  never a  possible turn.


A firm backing lands all in a  glamorous zone,

Backing detects in all an infirm tone,

An undue backing for  is precarious prone,

Backing also deletes  in all an individualistic  own.


Well, getting back to the prescribed text,

It is a back up of all the zest,

Restoring the faculties to the best,

Reaffirming the convictions to a test. 


It is back to the regular day,

It is back to the  formal say,

It is at times a strenuous  slay,

But it is  always an indefatigable way.

Beauty Cairns Creation Nature Queensland thoughts Tourism

Locked in the North

It is a sleepy lethargic laid back town,

Amidst a land of  sandy brown,

Holding a wonderful  delicate crown,

Displayed  in the bluish under water frown,

A  voluminous  natural  great reef barrier  grown,

Clusters of colourful corals  diligentlyy thrown,

Lying in heaps and mounds not alone.


Fish and sea urchins live along,

Sea cucumber and star fish   dive head long,

Jelly fish sting with a venom not too long,

All jointly devour the moss with a tong,

Causing a damage to the great reef all along,

Unperturbed the Ocean reef sprouts in a throng,

Not losing the lovely charm in a song.


It is Australia’s natural gift, all hail,

The only living thing  seen from space  in a trail,

Greater than the “Great Wall Of China”  in the sail,

A “mecca” to holiday makers is  a slogan   frail,

Therein lies an abundance of beauty  as though in a pail,

Hundreds of islands and coral reefs  are hinged together  in a nail, 

It is Cairns high up in the northern Queensland  posing an enticing  unveil.  








break Love Son thoughts

Love Changes All

It is a   very long  travel all the more,

Very far from home,

Too much different from home,

Bound by love and affection all the more.


Living  under the same roof,  all the way

Is nevertheless a strife  all through the day,

Looking  at each other all the time

Is an awesome bother most of the time.


It has been the way of life shortly,

Flying tempers  break the monotony,

Shaking the basics  of harmony,

Finally seeking shelter in shelves solitary.


It was drive  clouded with hesitation,

It was a  long  flight across to the destination,

The tired mind encountered a warm reception,

Endowing a resourceful inspiration

It was  pure affection and love,

Emanating from  a son beloved,

Brought up as a  precious jewel  all above 

Stands exposed to the vagaries of time in the strove 


Nudging close to me he learnt alphabets,

Lying on my lap he counted numbers  to a test

Numeric got their value in their  best,

Letters put together rocked  in their  crest.


He grew  in my shadow,

Letters pushed the numbers below,

Writing overtook counting in the flow

Creating a “Man Of Letters” in a full glow.


His writing took its wings,

Away he flew from me 

To places far beyond the shores in swings

Bringing laurels to him and pride to me all the more.


Rising up in stature  he remains fair,

His nest got enlarged  in  the  fare,   

A dedicated wife to take care ,

A  quick-witted daughter to  share.


Enjoyed every moment   of my sojourn,

An unknown place became known,

A biting cold took a bearable tone ,

Well! Love  gets enthroned  in an exclusive zone.


Diamonds thoughts

Pink,White and Yellow Diamonds

Lovely colours  aren’t they?

They make us gay ,

All through the day,

I have lot more to say.


Pink is  the lovely rose,

Pink are the chubby cheeks,

Pink  are the cotton candies,

Oh!There are pink diamonds too.


White diamonds dazzle,

Yellow ones sparkle,

Pink extends a twinkle,

All from the carbon carbuncle.


Pink diamond is a gorgeous  treat,

Found in the mines of Argyle,

A gem rare  with a charm upbeat,

Oh!It is  fabulously expensive .


Yellow and White diamonds are a costly call,

Eluding the grasp of all,

Pink  ones remains a coveted  tall,

Appropriate to  the monarchy’s haul.


Delight of seeing induces a pleasure,

Desire to hold incites a longing,

Indeed it is a valid value,

No matter how small you might be.


Possession of those might  make you beam,

Owning those is a precious dream,

Mostly those might pass on to the cream,

Few of those could make your ring finger gleam.


Pink diamonds turn you pink,

Prices rule out an angry pink,

Lustre  spells out a blushing pink,

An owning  foretells a futuristic  pink.


Well,the story of diamonds is interesting,

Black cinders  after million of years  inputting,

Validate as precious gems scintillating,

Oh! it is a tale of lowly forcing a pop out  struggling.








Actions break Experience Sydney thoughts

The Panorama

The skies open out to the sea,

The ocean turns out to the shore,

The land climbs up to the mounts,

The  hillocks clamber to the skies,

The tall Tower Eye stands alone,

Massive structures  run around,

 Marble pillars  hold high the domes,

Displaying  a concept of high and low.


Up ,up goes the tower in a terrible high,

The Sydney Bridge  across hold our eye,

The Opera House  concert flows into the ears,

Activities around Darling Harbour  catch the  nerves.



The mighty  Ocean flows unperturbed,

Men move about in a mangled queue,

Vehicles ply about in an orderly  slow,

The trains go about duty bound.



Boats sail over the water,

Ferries transport men and matter,

Ships stream over the deep waters,

Planes conquer the skies.


It  is business all through,

Starting from penny to dollars,

A transaction performed  all through,

Confirming a task  of a meritorious skill.

Actions Beauty Nature Parade Penguin subscriptions thoughts

A Parade

It was a march anyhow,

Not an army trot anyhow,

Nor a fashion show anyhow,

Very much different somehow.


The eager wait  prolongs,

Honourable guests are not seen along,

Punctuality is tripped so long,

Confining the crowd not to drift along.


The eyes rove over,

Nothing glamorous appears all over,

Not able to view beauties from world over, 

It was patience made over.


Towards the right two jump across,

On the left a group of five cross,

In the middle little ones toss,

Depicting a lively display in  a gloss.



They have a coat of black,

A broad white  stripe in the pack,

Snorting with a peculiar quack,

They march ahead in a merry track.


The parade is not orderly,

The dainty gait looks lovely,

The non rhythmic steps are funny slightly,

Yet they captivate us  wholly.


The blue waters flow to the shore,

The orange Sun goes down into the floor,

Black lights up the sky in a quiet  score,

The little dark Penguins  gather in store.


Up they ascend in a hurry,

Hastening to see the babes in a flurry,

Peeping into their habitats with worry, 

They flock reverse in an undue hurry.


It is a parade with a difference anyhow,

It happens every  night almost anyhow,

It undergoes no rehearsals anyhow,

Yet it is a delightful Parade somehow






Actions Beauty Enlightenment Enrichment subscriptions thoughts True

The Ocean Drive

It is blue deep blue.

 Water in a beautiful hue,

Waves rolling out without a clue,

Kissing the shore with an amorous  cue.



Winding goes the long drive,

Bends come in a notation live,

The mighty ocean rises in a strive,

Breathing out an awe in a  thrive.


Intermittent bays appear on the way,

Scintillating scenery hold us in a sway,

The huge trees stand in the fray,

Expressing a magnificence all the way.


The hills slopes up and down,

A little steep and brown.

The eucalyptus grows in a lanky throng,

Enhancing the charm to an ecstatic  song.


Down goes the road at times,

Up  climbs the  path at times,

Presenting an enticing scenario  all times,

Lifting us to a  lofty frenzy most times.



break retreat thoughts

Away a Little While

It is a retreat  far away,

In  a tail end  bay,

Away  from  familiar faces,

Away from known places,

Away from stressful tedium,

Away from   garrulous medium,

Away only for  a little while .