
Good Tidings.

The lovely voices from far away 

calling at the same time in all gay

one from the northern hemisphere

another from the southern sphere

crying in joy and wishing great tidings

their voice being ebullient and enthusiastic

what a throw it had  with vibrant feelings

hearing them talk I became ecstatic

How well does the children’s talk  rejuvenate?

The day would pass with the same reverberation

that is how I pass my days with  an  injected celebration tidings



Actions Beauty dance Experience feelings Inspiration Interpretation learning Love Melody Nature subscriptions

Ode to a Peacock.

Up on the hillock,

up on the grassy lock,

up over a marshy  block,

up  at the strike  of the clock,

amidst a happy flock,

there was a  lovely slot.



A dainty entry from the hills,

with a sharp bill,

with a sapphire fill,

calling in a voice shrill,

made its way in a drill,

it was an enticing dance.



The colourful feathers spread  grand,

opened up like a  canopy on a land,

throwing out shiny elegance in a brand,

the dense feathers  enchanted the band,

it appeared as an action of a magic wand,

It created a  trance.



The danseuse beckoned the gaiety of north,

it greeted the pleasantries of south,

it solicited the charm of west,

it bowed to the grace of the oriental east,

 exhibiting  a marvellous feat,

it was a concert best.



Hopping it went ahead,

jumping  it trotted  back,

elaborating it moved right,

accelerating it speeded left,

displaying a nimble footed treat,

it held everyone in toes.

Crooning goes round the peahen

singing tunes of love in tens,

kindling the peacock to  dance  in sevens,

enthralling the spectators to a rhapsodical events,

Good God!  it  was nothing but heavens,

it was a beautiful romance.

Creation Nature Rain thoughts

It was and it is.

It is snowing in the west,

It is sun shine in the far east, 

It is stormy in the top north,

It  is scorching in down south.


Nature has its own way,

Hosting a gale in the bay,

Holding the Sun in a ray,

It has its own say.


Rains play a  terrible havoc,

Initiating an incorrigible flow back,

Quakes shake the  basic track,

Imposing a bloody severe crack.


Storms ravage high and near,

Implicating a casualty dear,

Floods wash up in a rear,

Involving a great fear.


Fire rises in a flaming red,

Installing a feeling dread,

Snow imposes a shred,

Indexing everyone  to a  fled.


Nature goes about thus,

With a lot of fuss,

Provoking a terrifying gush,

Then subduing to a quiet hush.


This had been so for long,

It looks nothing wrong,

It is where we belong,

Much so Nature is a lively song.