
Drama Of Evolution

In pursuit of a dalliance, the peacock screams
the peahen listens unperturbed.
She is busy with her brood
feeding them.
Restless, he hoots and cries
a kind of a summon
the peahen returns.

Delighted, he runs to her, nudges,
coaxes her by pricking her with his beak
fans her with his gorgeous feathers
goes around her in a frenzy,
solicits her to take part in the game.

Tired after gathering enough food
she remains calm accepting the overtures
The peacock dances with swift steps
intoxicated, he releases the feathers
sneaks and tweaks with love
gracious in his attempts to seduce.

It works.
she clings to him.
an amalgamation seamless.
evolution in its glory
the drama unravels.

The haystack bores witness
to a grand ceremony
in all humbleness.

awesome awkward Poetry

On Any Subject.

It is easy to write

what comes to the mind

could be a crow white

though  the black is the usual find

could be a peacock

with feathers all over

the cry of the crow  locks

the ears with an awkward power

the dance of the peacocks

beautiful and gorgeous

entices  all awesome_peacock_danceand knocks

both the husky cry

and the dance entices

though in a different way

one  happens when the sun rises

the other in the early morning

features that  are common  anyway

one is a wake-up call with a crowing

another an entertainment  with a dancing

a write could be possible altogether

be that of any topic rather.

Actions Beauty Duty Poem

Dance And After.

The peacock went up the hill in search of prey.
The peahen was preparing a broth in a pot of clay.
The peacock came dancing through the gateway.
Swinging this side and that side as if in a sway.

The peahen looked at the dance.
Excited it fell into a trance.
Waking up cast a glance.
Lo! the broth was burnt beyond chance.

peacock dance

Actions Beauty dance Experience feelings Inspiration Interpretation learning Love Melody Nature subscriptions

Ode to a Peacock.

Up on the hillock,

up on the grassy lock,

up over a marshy  block,

up  at the strike  of the clock,

amidst a happy flock,

there was a  lovely slot.



A dainty entry from the hills,

with a sharp bill,

with a sapphire fill,

calling in a voice shrill,

made its way in a drill,

it was an enticing dance.



The colourful feathers spread  grand,

opened up like a  canopy on a land,

throwing out shiny elegance in a brand,

the dense feathers  enchanted the band,

it appeared as an action of a magic wand,

It created a  trance.



The danseuse beckoned the gaiety of north,

it greeted the pleasantries of south,

it solicited the charm of west,

it bowed to the grace of the oriental east,

 exhibiting  a marvellous feat,

it was a concert best.



Hopping it went ahead,

jumping  it trotted  back,

elaborating it moved right,

accelerating it speeded left,

displaying a nimble footed treat,

it held everyone in toes.

Crooning goes round the peahen

singing tunes of love in tens,

kindling the peacock to  dance  in sevens,

enthralling the spectators to a rhapsodical events,

Good God!  it  was nothing but heavens,

it was a beautiful romance.