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Ode to a Peacock.

Up on the hillock,

up on the grassy lock,

up over a marshy  block,

up  at the strike  of the clock,

amidst a happy flock,

there was a  lovely slot.



A dainty entry from the hills,

with a sharp bill,

with a sapphire fill,

calling in a voice shrill,

made its way in a drill,

it was an enticing dance.



The colourful feathers spread  grand,

opened up like a  canopy on a land,

throwing out shiny elegance in a brand,

the dense feathers  enchanted the band,

it appeared as an action of a magic wand,

It created a  trance.



The danseuse beckoned the gaiety of north,

it greeted the pleasantries of south,

it solicited the charm of west,

it bowed to the grace of the oriental east,

 exhibiting  a marvellous feat,

it was a concert best.



Hopping it went ahead,

jumping  it trotted  back,

elaborating it moved right,

accelerating it speeded left,

displaying a nimble footed treat,

it held everyone in toes.

Crooning goes round the peahen

singing tunes of love in tens,

kindling the peacock to  dance  in sevens,

enthralling the spectators to a rhapsodical events,

Good God!  it  was nothing but heavens,

it was a beautiful romance.

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A Dance In France.

It was in France.

I saw a dance.

It depicted a romance.

It was a delightful stance.

It was a sprightly advance.

It instigated a trance.


The episodes were enhancing.

The movements were scintillating.

The music was capturing.

The presentation was engulfing.

On the whole it was vivaciously charming.


Round and round the danseuse moved in a whirl.

Round and round the music filled in a swirl.

Round and round the expressions gathered in a curl.

Round and round the scenes changed in a furl.

Round and round the drummers beat in a hurl.


It was a recital very engaging.

It was a concert very enlivening.

It was an experience absolutely enthralling.

It released a significant  nostalgic feeling.

On the whole it was overwhelmingly amazing.