
The Prayer Of All

The prayer in earnest

could bring in cheer

would lead to no fear

lend a heart strongest.


The prayer with a thirst

could be for a desire

would bring in a pressure

earn a not so propitious  burst.


The prayer with a thought

be an outcome of an inclination

would usher in a deviation

give a strange proposition as sought.


The prayers do change things

whether they be in earnest

or out of thought or thirst prayer.jpg

shed not a glamour in all

render a requisition  in call.





Not A Visitor He Be.

Not a visitor he be

nor an insider he be not a visitor

he comes and goes

on and off he comes

not for the real sake

nor out of love sake

he  is there in all

be there without a call

could be for a curiosity

might he be an inquisitive

he comes and goes as often

know not for what in a soften

that be his way of getting to know

that be his attitude in flow

slowly he gathers the wool

then remains silent and cool

a fund of information in hand

well, he could share it with his band

a real danger  be alert and beware

never risk at the cost of his care.



That In Proportion

Heading towards a hill

the drive prolonged still

the bends  were  very sharp

traveled with a fear in harp

the undulation caused a sensation

could not be expressed in proportion

had to get through all the more

so as to reach the position in fore

the way the bends and turns go

the twists and curves all in a row

while the uneasiness lay there for long

the pleasure was lovely and not wrong

with that I head toward the top

hope I reach the place without any flop.plantation1.jpg


Gone With A Wind

Gone with a wind

a way in a kind

no more of a bind

nothing much of a blind

comes not from the hind

as one has to find

leave not the grind

the fear turns panic

the thought becomes static

the feel looks cryptic

would I transform into a lunatic?

nowhere  could I see anything informative

that be the way the wind blows

not being one that in a flow

where every other thing glows

not any one lags slow

a consequence of gone with the wind

causes a sequence of din

being one of the chaotic  kind.


gone with a wind


Calls From Friends

Calls from friends

keep one in trends

erases the bends

traces the ends

a lovely talk on the front

emanates without a brunt

let alone the mad hunt

I do entertain those  conversations

compelled to consider the  inhibitions

I do them without any reservations

could be that in a total calculation

finally I go to the end

exchange with a send

not allow anything in a fend.voice_calling








The Freedom

Walking with free hands

talking with free words

eating  every day a free diet

living a carefree  life

could be a blessing

not all are likely to get

those who are fortunate

do experience a lively  strength

a bliss almost heavenly and divine.freedom




Democracy is not only in the country

be it in home too anyway

the equality seen in the external

be imposed in the internal

democracy be it for the people

would be also be by the people

same could be held in sway at home

be it for the children all the same

be it by the children not in name

being the most challenging form

could  lead to a life of calm

both in the region outward

and  in the area inward

a diligence would create peace

an indulgence would lead to pieces

being a straight set of practice all the more

we have to work it to the core

a slight slide would result in a disaster

a slip would bring in a danger

could be said not of the nation

be that in the home with a reason

the ego be overwhelmed  between the siblings

would come to a stand of rivalry and misunderstanding

similar could be that of in the country

where differences rise up and cause an awry

the house makes a nation all the while

so that animosity be seen in style

well this  could be said of democracy on the whole

being that power to the people of great value in the roll.







It Is A Check

It is a check

could be one of random

could be one of a bind

yet it checks all with a scrutinizecheck

being one of not right or wrong

a customary approach to verify

being that of a routine

an eye on the  faults

a way to look at with a follow

nothing far beyond that in a scroll

a check and a refrain  in the stroll

a verify and a restriction be the goal


In Tandem

It was an evening of fun

having everything done

the commitments all in one

being accomplished  in all

could lead to something tall

be there a pressure of a call

had to compete with a fitness

having reached the height of greatness

the  strive being that of wellness

gone be the days of discipline

had to work with an incline

being that of one in line

I lead a life of seclusion

rejecting   any unwanted inclusions

a way of life I have chosen at random

could there be a strain and a suppose  in tandem?Two-Horses-Harnessed-In-Tandem-Pulling-A-Carriage-1883








A Day Of Luck

It is a day of luck

I do have a lot of pluck

I move away in a tuck

I create an awesome  strike

be it  a sensational  like

it would cause a hike

that be the turn of the world

could be one in a believable  hold

well that could yield a rewarding gold

a glorious impression all the more bold.rewarding gold