Poetry silence sonnet

It is Silence

silent environmentThe greenery around

lush and pleasant

flower beds in a crescent

a brook with clear waters  found

lies  there a suburb  with an abound

a population very decent

clean and clear is the environment

all  convenience great and sound

all be so with a rhythm and rhyme

yet there lacks a charisma

could not be explained in the ordinary

the silence occupies the prime

appears like an unobtrusive enigma

where life assumes a slot not primary.

Actions Anger Poem silence


Ssilenceilence is golden is the saying.
It is a contradiction in the upswing
Keeping your mouth shut is not a virtue.
likely you resemble more of a statue.
Arming yourself with words for defence
will not at any cost bring you offence.
Where greed and competition get the best.
muting your voice will put you to test.
When evil and lies surge up to the front.
sitting tight-lipped will bring you brunt.
In this era this adage has been put to test
when all things good or bad demands a protest.

Actions Poem silence thoughts

The Falsehood.

A hushed silence was established.

A compelled uneasiness was felt.

A sensitive embarrassment was experienced.

A dullness spread around.


How to bring about normalcy?

How to diffuse the gathered animosity?

How to lighten the tension?

Questions crowded the mind.


It was an echo of deceit.

It was anything but farce.


Words read false.

Promises become unkempt.

Actions expose vengeance.

Slander runs amuck.


It was betrayal in the run.

It was an unpleasant shun.

It was an unapproved fun.

So all went beyond the gun.




Actions Beauty Creation Enlightenment Enrichment Environment Evolution Experience Inspiration Interpretation Langkawi Looks Malaysia mystery Poem reverberation silence subscriptions thoughts Wish

Where Eagles Dare- Langkawi

A group of islands lie facing the Andaman Seas

Once upon a time they were busy like bees.

A curse confounded them to a secluded freeze.

On and off they were invaded by the Siamese.

The island was torn into pieces in a fleece.


Mahasuri  was a beautiful girl of the land.

Looked exotic and exuberant amidst the local band.

Captured the heart of the Sultan of Kedah by her alluring brand.

Her looks kindled the jealousy of the Sultan’s wife’s in terrific grand.

Mahasuri fell to the sword   emitting white blood on to the sand.


She was not adulteress as claimed by the Sultanate.

She was an innocent wife of an official in the  Sultanate.

She was deliberately murdered  out of hate.

Her cries reverberate in  the forests even this late.

Her story is enacted in her tomb everyday with a rate.

Releasing a significant fear and tears within the gate.


As the legend narrates a tragedy in full volume.

The ninety-nine islands rise up to the eagle’s boom.

The white sea-shore glistens in the sunny doom.

The mangrove forests throw a greenish bloom.

The lush waterfalls fall down in  a spectacular zoom


The pregnant lake flows with a temporary hush.

Silently blessing the childless woman with a fertility blush.

Kuah ,the main island ,is a symbol of flush.

The white, brown, black, yellow, tourists move in a rush.

Intending to take with them nature’s bounty in  an articulate fuss.


Langkawi  translates nature’s beauty  in a lively form.

It is the jewel of  Kedah   with a delicate charm.

It presents a rejuvenating citadel in a lukewarm.

Its extensive seashore zigzags without a conform.

Well,it is an experience beyond an explainable norm 


Actions Anger break deride Experience fall Lesson Life silence subscriptions Theory thoughts turmoil

The Accusation.

There was a bang next door.

Something fell on a floor.

Other things flew out of the door.

Certain others flew in a soar.

Every other thing was in fours.


The shrieks ranted the air.

The shouts lay everything bare.

There was nothing to share.

There was no one to care.

It was a terrible blare.


“It is you ,you”,  accused a voice in anger

“Not me, me,”sobbed the other in a whisper. 

The dialogue was converted into a slander. 

The exchange was disgracefully vulgar.

The incident did not propose a healthy augur.


The storm died down with an intermittent intervention.

The intrusion became a hapless, weak contravention.

The go back would be a shameful digression.

A physical abjure would have been a better proposition.

Alas! the wordy abuse was an incisive demonstration.

Actions Care desire Evolution Experience greed Life Looks silence stealth subscriptions Swindle thoughts Wealth

There You Are Williams.

Williams has a smiling face.

He feigns an angelic grace.

His imperious steps make all to gaze.

His impetuosity is a fiery blaze.

He moves along with a created  ease.

Everyone follow him with a  difficult freeze.

He hides artfully his cheeky cheese.

He carries himself with   a superiority breeze.

Williams’ pretensions are cleverly concealed.

His manipulations involve a scheming deal.

He extends a deceitful care giving heal.

None the less he skilfully deploys a splitting  peel.


Williams tactfully alters his skills.

He   relentlessly shuffles the bills.

He discreetly swindles the monetary frills.

He silently piles up his precious fills.


Williams is not the only one doing so.

He is a stand out example hitherto.

Many more engage in a quiet tiptoe.

 They mop up everything with a gusto.


Beware of Williams’ tribe all the more.

Stand away from them evermore.

Run away from them more so.

Shun them if you can it is better so.

Actions Age Interpretation Lesson Life Looks silence stone Story thoughts turmoil

Just A Stone.

It is just a  huge stone,

It is only a  shapeless stone,

It looks expressionless and prosaic,

It has a  long story behind it.

It has a history unknown to many.


The faceless stone has been for centuries,

It has seen generations of men,

It has heard them talk incessantly,

It has noticed them pass uninterruptedly,

It has  recorded confidential matters  silently.


The stone had been lying there for ages,

It had not been cared for by one and all,

Disregarding it as lifeless stone,

Incidents took place around it.

 Yet, it lies there unperturbed from time immemorial.


You could  easily set aside it as a stone.

Addressing it as a pig-headed bone,

Laughing at it with disdain and contempt,

But do remember if it is turned upside,

It has a whole lot  to relate that would put you to misery.










Actions Evolution Experience fatigue Lesson silence Story thoughts True turmoil

A Child Is A Child.

I observe in silence,

I hear in magnitude,

I see in-depth,

That is what I can do.

A child begins her day,

Setting aside everything gay,

Pushing back all her play,

Switching on to the rigorous fray.


She gets ready in a hurry,

Breaks her fast in a flurry,

Casting her likes in a bury,

She walks up in a slurry.


Still sleep lingers in her eyes,

As she opens her reader to a size,

Pouring over the book in a guise,

She follows the teacher with a despise.


From school she comes home,

Falls asleep in her cosy bedroom,

The little girl finds no time to bloom,

Eventually she has to face the doom.













Actions Anger Experience Lesson Life Looks mind silence subscriptions thoughts turmoil

Looking Daggers

Daggers are weapons sharp,

Eyes are organs incisive,

Daggers bring fear and night mare,

Stains of blood are smeared everywhere,

Eyes emit evil and conceit,

Remnants of hate are found everywhere.


The physical assault is horrendous,

As a stab slits open the physique,

Inflicting a damage deadly  to the body,

The mental attack is torturous,

As a  look tears apart the psychic,

Paralysing the mind to a desolation.


She looks daggers goes the simile,

Looks are more penetrating than a sting,

They kill the spirit of life  on the whole,

Decimating the liveliness from the soul,

It is definitely worse than a brutal murder,

As it impoverishes the  mind of its glory.


The piercing dagger and the evil looks,

Kill the life and spirit in a momentum,

 As stabbing  fiercely takes the life out,

Looking deceitfully throws the mind asunder,

There fore  life holds no value basically,

Lo!the spirit lies dead unceremoniously.









Actions Anger Experience silence thoughts turmoil

My Late Loving Pal.

Palpitations kept his  heart beat in a race,

An unexplainable sorrow stole the grace,

An unbelievable tale set the  deface,

It was a hell to survive the blaze.


Nevertheless  he had to get through it  in a daze

There were additional frothing in the furnace,

Boiling over in an unexpected  ablaze

Yet  he had to put up with it in a phase.


It was all built up in a madness,

It was a texture of serious illness,

It massacred the veracity to a stillness,

Yet  he had to face it with a boldness.


The heart fluttered high and low,

Casting a picture of a shadowy glow,

The performance was deadly slow,

Oh! the extension was halted with a severe blow.


It is a story of a loving pal,

He fell a prey to a rude call,

Oh! it was a terrible fall,

 Lo! he breathed his last in a drawl.