Actions Care Poem

The Boy And The Pup

boy pupA little pup was in the middle
with its half-open eyes stood still.
Cars rushing up and down
passed without knocking him down
Cyclists pedalling slow
did not stoop low.
Pedestrians walking along
did not bother about his belong.
The pup remained there till noon
A boy saw the stranded pup in the afternoon.
Without a thought ran to the pup
and carefully lifted him up
Holding him close to his bosom
went towards his home.
He gave him little milk
placed him on the mat silk.

Share!boy and a pup.

Actions Care Experience Poem

Unabated Cry.

The babe was crying.
while the mother was sleeping.
Hearing the baby’s cry
the mother opened her eyes.
Rocked the cradle few times
to make the little one sleep in time.
The baby continued crying.
The mother unknowing
at the moment what to do
resorted to feeding in a go.
The lady of the next house
came in swift toes.
Looking at the baby close
she found a small ant in force
biting the baby under the nose.
Smiling she caught the ant red
and put the baby in the bed.

ant biting

Beauty Care eyes. grace Inspiration interest. jealousy kindness Poem True

Ode To The Eyes.

Eyes are beautiful.
The bigger they are
the more charming they look.
The wider they are
the more lovelier they appear.
The lengthier they are
the more attractive they seem.
The narrower they are.smiling eyesteraful eyes
the more finer they pose.

Eyes speak volumes.
The happier they are
the more blissful they look.
The sadder they look
the more tearful they appear.
The more anxious they are
the more resourceful they seem.
The more loving they are
the more graceful they pose.

Eyes are expressive.
Eyes reveal kindness in the go
by liberally sharing the largess with all.
They give out a sobriety in the run
by carefully intimating the danger to all.
They show a feeling of discrimination in the move
by sincerely pinpointing the good from the bad to all.
They light up when they see their loved one
by beckoning to him with a passionate invitation.

Actions Care concept Cross education Experience fall feelings grades Lesson Money Poem politics Progress thoughts

Grades Get Across

gradesGrades get across in learning
weighed by money and kind.
raising the rank high
facilitating a seat in courses
otherwise needing a skill
demanding a comprehension
working on a sensibility
to pursue the coveted programs.

Grades get across in business
cared by bribe and manipulation
promoting the transactions over and above
enabling an amazing growth
otherwise needing an acumen
requiring strong principles
practising on ethics
to get ahead of the potential deals.

Grades stumble and fall in politics
governed by deceit and greed
introducing a tall claim
enabling an unbelievable progress
otherwise needing a credibility
necessitating an integrity
inviting a trust
to acquire a ministerial berth.

Actions Care Experience feelings Poem Power threat. True

The House Spins.

lady Chaotic is not the word to describe.
Pandemonium is the right word to ascribe.
The house always echoes the vibe.
It is far away from the petty jibe.

The lovely house denotes order and shine.
It is an epitome of all things fine.
Be it the cleanliness which is in nine.
As well as its decorum which is above the line.

It is transformed temporarily into a din.
All the trash is everywhere but not in the bin.
The lady of the house accepts everything with a grin
as she reclines low with her fingers in the chin.

Anger Beauty Care garden Inspiration Looks Poem subscriptions thoughts

A Red Flower Over There.

It was a beautiful red flower in full bloom.

It was  a pleasing red .

It was a lovely red.

It was a cheerful red.

It was not angry red.

It was not fiercely red.

It was not  dangerously red.

It beckoned with a grace.

It reckoned with a poise.

It depicted a welcome choice.

It portrayed  a smiling face.

The red flower’s charm lasted a day.

The red colour faded the next day.

The next morn it drooped down dead on the ground grey.

Actions Care command Default desire greed Lesson Life Monetary gains Poem Recollection reverberation Story Study Theory thoughts turmoil Wealth

The Practicalities

Going back is never too easy.

Back tracking is ever too easy.

Keeping up the promise is never too easy.

Eating up the words is ever too easy.

Hearing slander is never too easy.

Listening to praise is ever too easy.


The world moves on round and round.

The interruption  of movement is never found.

People’s talk  reverberates with full sound.

Their activity  advances never with a bound.

The life becomes meaningful with wealth abound.

No other means seeks a serious wound.


Living in the middle of conceit and greed

Man accepts the reality with a distinct breed.

Well, money has always been the prime need.

It is a requirement to arrange a feed.

What then is the crux of the deed?

It is something that directs to a bleed.


This transaction has been going on for years.

It has been carried out without any fear.

Nestling behind the scene  in the rear.

We trace a slight  jerk which is out of gear.

The affinity for wealth is found with extreme cheer.

As a finale it is held to the bosom so near.









Actions Care desire Evolution Experience greed Life Looks silence stealth subscriptions Swindle thoughts Wealth

There You Are Williams.

Williams has a smiling face.

He feigns an angelic grace.

His imperious steps make all to gaze.

His impetuosity is a fiery blaze.

He moves along with a created  ease.

Everyone follow him with a  difficult freeze.

He hides artfully his cheeky cheese.

He carries himself with   a superiority breeze.

Williams’ pretensions are cleverly concealed.

His manipulations involve a scheming deal.

He extends a deceitful care giving heal.

None the less he skilfully deploys a splitting  peel.


Williams tactfully alters his skills.

He   relentlessly shuffles the bills.

He discreetly swindles the monetary frills.

He silently piles up his precious fills.


Williams is not the only one doing so.

He is a stand out example hitherto.

Many more engage in a quiet tiptoe.

 They mop up everything with a gusto.


Beware of Williams’ tribe all the more.

Stand away from them evermore.

Run away from them more so.

Shun them if you can it is better so.

Actions break Care Default Enlightenment Evolution Experience mind Punctuation Study Theory thoughts True turmoil

Punctuations In Life.

It is a comma that brings about a suspense

It is a hyphen that links one another in a sense.

It is a semicolon that gives two separate ideas in an attribution.

It is a colon that makes us wait for more revelations.

It is a question mark that allows us to reason.

It is the exclamation  that points to joy and sadness  according to season.

It is  within inverted commas we quote others which enliven.

It is between the brackets additional information is given.

It is the full stop that puts an end to writing.


In life we encounter many struggles and setbacks,

Knowingly or unknowingly we align with one another in the track.

Our alliance might evolve a relationship good or bad.

In course of time we would be subjected to turmoil sad.

The reasoning mind would look with suspicion.

The joy or sorrow would keep us in  tension.

We seek the advice of experienced men.

Bracketing with others we pull on like a hen.

At last we get into the grave never to wake again.










Actions Anger Care Default Lesson subscriptions thoughts True turmoil

Any Cause For Hurt

Falling down causes a hurt,

Skidding leads to a hurt,

Seeing daggers imposes a hurt,

Speaking sharp proposes a hurt,

Attitude indifferent brings out a hurt,

Physical wound is a tolerable hurt,

Abstract outrage is an unbearable hurt.


As accidents are causes for hurts,

Evil  breaks up  lot of hurts,

The body staggers with a hurt,

It loses its power along with a hurt,

The mind succumbs to the hurt,

It desperately slides down with the hurt,

This is the most diabolical of all hurts.