
The String Of Words

An outflow of words
there  being no meaning
but be it full of notes
pleasing  to the ears
making the heart happy
getting into the depth
there we feel no sense images (99)
as it is a string of words
blowing up too much
nothing pertaining to reality
something bordering on emptiness
yet it reaches many and more
how much it be shallow
that does not bother
but raised to great levels
by the one who uttered
and by the one who heard
that being the easiest way
the facile win all over
called as an interesting conversation
termed as an engaging convention.


The Windy Wind—- Music.

The wind is a song pleasing

with a breeze blowing gently

humming into your ears

passing through your face

making your hair fly

and you enjoy the soft blow,


The wind also is a song  of anger.

as a storm blowing fiercely

upsetting every other on the way

destroying the ambience

killing a few in its ferocious blow

devastating the lives of many.



The wind blows sad

with the haunting sound

penetrating through the trees

making the leaves rustle in melancholy

more or less echoing like a cry

as though emanating from the wilderness.




The bellows of the instruments

derive their music from the wind

with the flute and harmonica

along with the trumpet and saxophone

with clarinet and the Indian wind blowing

that work on the wind’s technique.


















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A Red Flower Over There.

It was a beautiful red flower in full bloom.

It was  a pleasing red .

It was a lovely red.

It was a cheerful red.

It was not angry red.

It was not fiercely red.

It was not  dangerously red.

It beckoned with a grace.

It reckoned with a poise.

It depicted a welcome choice.

It portrayed  a smiling face.

The red flower’s charm lasted a day.

The red colour faded the next day.

The next morn it drooped down dead on the ground grey.