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Step Up Lina.

Lina, for all I know, had a setback that day.

It kept Lina locked for a day.

She sat speechless the whole day.

She was not her usual self that day.


Lina,all I know, is invincible.

She had overcome events terrible.

She faces disasters with spirit credible.

But that day she was inconsolable.


Lina, for all I know, is of a stern stuff.

She never in exasperation huff or puff.

She is not a snobbish vain  buff.

But, that day she was terse and gruff.


Lina ,for all I know, is a girl of pride.

She carries  herself with a charismatic glide.

She speaks in an unleashing stride.

But that day she was in a low tide..


Lina, for all I know, is a lovely angel.

She is a dainty, kind angel.

She is a sweet-tempered angel.

But, that day she was looking like a fallen angel.


Lina, for all I know, is a private person.

She behaved  with an idealistic  reason.

She is a flower of all seasons.

But, that day, she was  in enormous tension.


Lina, I know not your turmoil.

Could you not create a foil?

Could you not put an end to this toil?

Lina would come out of it without a soil.