

The sadness  and despair that looms

the gloom and depression that stares

makes one to withdraw and get away

not wanting to live further more

unwilling to take the life out

as that would result in a fall out

the necessity to pull on drives

the feeling of not belonging anywhere kills

torn between the two

balancing between the two horns

listening to the meaningless chatter

that emanates all around

not finding an individual

fit enough to share and care

I go ahead with the  living

as one among the multitude

vehemently angry to carry on

visibly sad to pull on

insisting on  a flexibility

Well,l that has never been my strength

all these long years

wishing never  to adapt to the changing climate

being a person  that goes with anachronism

that runs in my blood through the veins

calling me to be straight and sinceanachronism_pilloryanachronism_pillory