
Indians At Loggerheads

Went back to India after a long time.
Setting the house and sprucing it up
took a few hundreds of rupees from the accountIndian
in case I needed to buy things
as tomorrow being a Sunday.

The bank staff looked at me with disbelief
I knew not for what and why
coming back home my friend called
We had a long chat over the telephone
She said that a kilo of onion costs Rs 90.

She went on with prices of other commodities
where petrol price has been hiked
a litre costs RS 83 and kilo of rice 60 Rs.
and LPG cylinder costs 500 Rs.
Hearing nothing more I glanced at the currency I had.

What could I buy now with the money in hand.
I deliberated and chid me for being so careless.
The value of Rupee has gone down day by day
with the dollar going up and up
the Indian currency has fallen from grace.

With the currency sinking very badly
the economy getting near to death
inflation rocking high up reaching the skies
the Indians stand aghast at their governance
which has plundered the country to the most.

The opposition blaming the ruling party
The Prime minister accusing the main opposition
The scams and scandals that wreathed the country most
stand the tests nakedly and justifications clothed
with files lost and evidences disappearing.

The Finance Minister preaches from the podium
asking people to be patient blaming the Reserve Bank
while the retiring Reserve Bank chairman calls his institution
as a baby step organisation allowed to take few steps
piling one assault over another pushing the people to death.

The Reserve Bank Governor bids adieu a day ago
saying that if the Finance minister wants to go for a walk
let him walk alone in the financial abyss leaving the Reserve BMan MohanChiduWalkank
while the Reserve Bank would continue to exist protecting the rights of people.
Where is India going with everyone at loggerheads?