
The Chase


The land opposite mine  

  densely planted with oil palm

closely populated by a tribe 

 a busy clan never calm

hooligans who take no bribe 

mischievous and up to folly 

oscillate and swing in a mood

break the branch when jolly

gnaw the berries in all crude 

chatter and  whimper all through

Lo! the trees  are now cut  invariably

their habitation is in a mess absolute

sit there they in all melancholy

with their brood in dissolute 

Alas! man  always engages in a chase

scares the orangutans  from their place 





On the equator IRubberPalm Oil Plantation-745403 lie
Yes, right on the equator
and I burn like fire always
roasting everything
and scorching everyone.
Rains do come in the evenings
with thunder and lightning
They rain like heaven and hell
drying the land the minute they stop.
The rivers flow in full brimming to the top.
There is greenery all over.
Oil palm has replaced rubber in a switch over
But still there is rubber trees to an extent lower
filling the country’s exchequer with a large turnover
The economy thrives and prospers
as the rains give an impetus
to the cash crops blossoming and blooming.
I look green whichever side you see
with gigantic trees and flowers found all over in a spree
I am small lying on the equator a divide of the world.
But as all things small are beautiful
I am beautiful and stately.
Know Who I am ?
I am Malaysia in the far east.