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A Lovely Exchange.

Age,distance, time pose no barrier.

It was an exchange,

Neither dealing with currency in  a range.

Nor involving a barter all the same.


It was an exchange,

Away from the economy in a range,

Far  away from the mundane all the same.


It was an exchange.

Across the deep blue ocean in a range,

Covering thousands of kilometers  all the same.


It was an exchange,

Where age did not come into the range,

Where affection stood above  all the same.


It was an exchange ,

Where the grandson poured out his thoughts in a range,

Where the grandmother listened mesmerised all the same.


Then it is not an exchange,

You might  blindly say in a range,

Yet it was sharing of feelings in a manner strange.





By meenas17

A lover of classical Carnatic music.
An avid reader, passionate writer, into stocks and investments for livelihood

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