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Creativity In Full Bloom.

creativityIt was an idea conceived long ago.
It was growing in stages more like a logo.
It got its shape sometime ago.
It was in the abstract form till little while ago.

The concept took shape in a slow phase.
It was then altered many a time to acquire a base.
The theme then was improved with a glaze.
The end product enticed everyone to a gaze.

The proportion was first set abreast.
The bigger one looked out of context.
The smaller one was away from the text.
The right size was arrived at last after a strenuous test.

The manipulations made the head reel.
The finality evolved a luxurious steal.
The fine touch ups took to the wheel.
The evolution inspired a magnificent feel.

The beautiful produce stole the limelight.
The glamour caught everyone’s sight.
The loveliness raised the excitement to a height.
The art piece might become a masterpiece with due rights.