
The Silent Splendour

An inspiration.

The Aalamaram (Banyan tree)
spreads its branches
that touch the ground.
in a sign of gratitude
shown to the soil,
which nurtures its growth.

A paradox:
the grandeur beguiles
the humility.

A phenomenon:
the growth of the tree,
the transformation,
as seen during the seasons
explicitly in the leaves
as they turn
green, red and finally yellow
present a colourful diaspora
that astounds.

A benevolence:
The tree, as seen ,
serves as a playground for the kids,
a resting place for the travellers,
a shelter from the elements.

A munificence:
provides a habitation for the birds,
insects and the rodents
extending:security within its branches
protecting nests within its clusters.

A philanthropy:
bears fruits and nuts
feeding the birds
supplementing Man’s diet.

A Splendour:
The silence, it invokes
between the occasional rustle
and the wind prone ruffle
releases an awe
all too inspiring.


By meenas17

A lover of classical Carnatic music.
An avid reader, passionate writer, into stocks and investments for livelihood

6 replies on “The Silent Splendour”

About the stanzas ‘benevolence’, ‘munificence’, ‘philanthropy’:-
Does our appreciation of nature, and anything in general, depends only on what benefits it brings to us? I mean, if the trees didn’t do anything, just stand there, not even providing oxygen or shelter, would our admiration remain the same?

It will be the same. Benefits add to the admiration .A tree as one sees is magnificent. I think I have got a prompt for another poem. I would write soon. Revert, once you read it. Thanks, Amit.

About the stanzas ‘benevolence’, ‘munificence’, ‘philanthropy’:-

Does our appreciation of nature, and anything in general, depends only on what benefits it brings to us? I mean, if the trees didn’t do anything, just stood there, not even providing oxygen or shelter, would our admiration remain the same?

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