Actions Experience fatigue feelings Interpretation learning pressure Study subscriptions thoughts True turmoil Wisdom

Pressure Compels.

A pressure exists day in and day out.

Reflecting a seizure all the way out

Resembling  a torture  all about.

Indicting  a strain  on the whole.

Negotiating with pressure is exasperating.

Working under pressure is  devastating.

Coping with it is a masterly scheduling. 

Winning over is a prudent  dealing.

Pressure keeps mounting all through.

Dashing the hopes of victory  in a ruse.

Driving to a madness in a strain true.

Subscribing to a trial right  over.

Never entertain pressure is the common cry.

Learn  to live in ease is a voted try.

Accept the eventuality with a gentle  sigh.

Well this  design is a significant  buy.



reverberation subscriptions thoughts turmoil

Devastating It Is

Floods across the world  cause a quick havoc,

Quakes around the world   create a speedy ravage,

Droughts on and off bring about an unbearable famine,

So goes the nature’s mentality in destruction.



The lovely landscapes that  are  found throughout,

Of mountains aiming to reach the sky,

Of blue oceans  tossing  up and down,

Portray Nature’s wonderful gift.



The desolate trends  expose a melancholy,

Leaving the hearts saddened to a standstill

The beautiful scenario expresses a solemnity,

Mellowing the  minds reconciled  to a quaint silence.



Devastating is indeed an enigma,

As it indicates to a rude chaos,

As well it points out to a stunning  attraction,

Picturing itself as an oxymoron.