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Pressure Compels.

A pressure exists day in and day out.

Reflecting a seizure all the way out

Resembling  a torture  all about.

Indicting  a strain  on the whole.

Negotiating with pressure is exasperating.

Working under pressure is  devastating.

Coping with it is a masterly scheduling. 

Winning over is a prudent  dealing.

Pressure keeps mounting all through.

Dashing the hopes of victory  in a ruse.

Driving to a madness in a strain true.

Subscribing to a trial right  over.

Never entertain pressure is the common cry.

Learn  to live in ease is a voted try.

Accept the eventuality with a gentle  sigh.

Well this  design is a significant  buy.



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A Baby’s First Crawl

Lying down on his stomach ,

Looking around to check,

Pulling his legs to the fore,

 He fell down on the floor.


He got hurt to an extent,

He cried to his heart’s content,

Then attempted  again,

Alas ! he slipped in the bargain


He threw an angry look around

Stared in anger at the ground,

Shouted something in a loud voice

He stretched himself in a choice.


The baby became restless,

 He slowly dragged his legs breathless,

Steadied himself to a right position

He remained waiting for the next decision.


He suddenly  took a four-legged step,

 Moved his right leg in a forward pep,

The left one followed in a quick,

Architecting an advance like a trick.


The ruse went on for a little time,

It was like a poetic rhyme,

The crawl was with a rhythmic ease,

That brought no ridiculing tease.


It was fun  to see him crawl  for the rest,

It was for him a  highly priced test,

He had taken a move daring,

Is it not a praiseworthy sharing?