
The day That Is

The day turns out to be one of vain

as people go bragging for gain

going by the words  not true

standing out for things that grew

on a soil  laden by lies

as these lies get ahead in tries

bringing  fortunes to those

who  like to reap in a chose

with benefits much and great

that make them rich and powerful images (42)

as wealth brings fame too

a comfort that none other could buy

that  would last until one dies






Actions Experience fatigue feelings Interpretation learning pressure Study subscriptions thoughts True turmoil Wisdom

Pressure Compels.

A pressure exists day in and day out.

Reflecting a seizure all the way out

Resembling  a torture  all about.

Indicting  a strain  on the whole.

Negotiating with pressure is exasperating.

Working under pressure is  devastating.

Coping with it is a masterly scheduling. 

Winning over is a prudent  dealing.

Pressure keeps mounting all through.

Dashing the hopes of victory  in a ruse.

Driving to a madness in a strain true.

Subscribing to a trial right  over.

Never entertain pressure is the common cry.

Learn  to live in ease is a voted try.

Accept the eventuality with a gentle  sigh.

Well this  design is a significant  buy.



Actions analogue Beauty Enlightenment Experience Inspiration Interpretation moon Nature Poem thoughts

Analogue Of The Moon.

It is a half crescent.

It looks nascent.

It tends to be stringent.

It has a status regent.


It grows with pleasure.

It wanes in  measure.

It succumbs to pressure.

In  a lethargic leisure.

Indeed it is a  covetous treasure.


Every fortnight it grows in size.

Every other fortnight it demurely lies.

Its expansion has a phenomenal rise.

Its contraction has defeated ties.

Irresistbly  it has a fascinating prize.


It shines in the night.

Emitting a cool light.

Expressing no flight.

Empowering a rational plight.

Indeed it delivers a lovely sight.



Does it not exhibit an analogue?

Does it not record a dialogue?

Does it not appear as a prologue?

Does it not sound like an epilogue? 

Curiously it is not  in thetreasure, leisure, ressure, pleasure, sight, catalogue.