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The Star Of Hope.

Up over there is a tiny star
twinkling in the darkness drear.
It radiates lovely cheer.
It seems to call from afar
while the message is heard near
indicating an apprehension queer.
It looks as though it talks to someone dear
who listens in rapt attention with open ear.
The little star tells him not to fear.
Saying so the star get backs to the of hope

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Please Leave The Deities Alone.

Deities sparkle with diamond crowns.

The dazzling finds itself in all rounds.

The spectacular delight knows no bounds.


The galaxy of crowns and outfits win over.

The eyes of the devotees make a splendid rover.

Feeding on the exciting ostentation with a devour.


The golden and silver outfits are heavy.

Decking the deities with them is not easy.

They pressurize the idols  inflicting marks sticky.


Adorning the idols  causes damage to them.

Flowery  crowns and garlands charm them.

Dressing them with colourful silk adds grace to them.


The deities in their expensive dresses look different.

They appear as images with features indifferent.

The created shine robs the glow in the affront.


Well  the rich indulge in such dear fanaticism.

Showing to the world their wealthy enthusiasm.

They wantonly plunder the temples of their divine realism.


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The Rains

Rain is  a divine  source,

It is a lovely resource,

Getting it abated while in force,

Is a task beyond recourse.

Seeing it flow in a natural course,

Is a sight beyond morose.


Rain is a delight,

When they fall light,

Filling the rivers in volumes right,

Running through the fields in flow slight,

Bringing in fertility and growth in a flight,

Producing a rich bountiful sight.


Rain is a  fear,

When they pour torrential dear,

Causing a spate  out of gear,

Sinking the land  below the rear,

Trampling the ripe stock to rot near,

Implying a  tone of gory ghastly cheer.


Well,rain is both giver and taker,

It extends a fortune to the  noble receiver,

It devastates the very spirit of the destroyer,

A note of caution is sounded to whomsoever,

While accepting the endowment with fervour,

Advocating truth in faith and practice altogether.















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A Radiance

The illumination was dazzling,

Rather  it was sparkling,

The brightness was blinding

Rather it was glaring,

The radiance was extolling,

Cause it was a celestial lightning.


The smile was benign,

Rather it was charming,

The gesture was  upbeat,

Rather it was signifying,

The cheer was gracious,

Cause it was divinely dignifying.


The delight was lovely,

Rather it was effacing,

The sequence was beautiful,

Rather it was refreshing,

The exhilaration was hypnotizing,

Cause it was a heavenly hallucination.


The glitter is a see through radiance,

The smile is a lilting radiance,

The  delight is an abstract radiance,

All surpassing the diamond radiance,

Inspiring an enthusiastic contentment.