cause commitment. contempt exact Poetry scorn

The Notes And Coins—– An Allegory.

indian-currency-notes-coins-14170302Fumbling for coins

I got hold of a tuft of notes

a real issue at joints

where coins are rare.

Flashing my notes at the counter

I found no response

the man scorned at me with contempt

a piquant situation instead.

Notes, tens, hundreds and thousands

are discarded  and set aside

as if they have no value

paradoxical it sounds indeed.

The perfect change should be there

wherever you go all the way

no bargain is possible at the juncture

ironical it seems in fact.

That be the cause all through

a proper sail through is experienced

with an exact commitment

however, small or big it might be.

cause Poetry

That Be The Democracy

The deliberation is underway
with a series of interpretations
could be this and could be that
would work out such a way
would end up with a difference
all cram up and gush in sequence.

The designation is not right
a lot of instigations in sight
could have been this and been that
would deliver an opportunity
would end up with a difference
all go ahead not in a streamline.

The destination is far off
with a list of places intermediate
could be this and could be that
would intercept on the way
would end up with a difference
all cross the road in a deadline.

Actions argument cause concept Diamonds Divine Experience Interpretation Lesson Life Message thoughts Worship

Worship the Lord

worshipWorship is voluntary or involuntary.
A curious thought sets in involuntarily.
Reverence is the basis for worship truly.
Fear is a part of the fundamental undoubtedly.

Worshipping God has become a ritual.
Praying has turned to be beneficial.
Pleading for mercy is sacramental
Worship includes a ceremony artificial.

Worshipping Man has taken lively coordination.
Going after the wealthy is a fashionable attraction.
Running behind the powerful is a feverish aspiration.
Hero worshipping comprises a scenario of destruction.

Respect should come naturally from within.
Force should not surface across the skin.
Nor tear it with an incisive spin.
Worship leaves a volume of actions to begin.

Pilgrimage to holy places is one of the ways.
Offerings to God is another way.
Conducting ceremonies is an expensive way.
Appeasing God has become everyone’s way.

Fear of the future wields a sway grave
Finance assumes a close shave.
Illness consumes the heart of the brave.
Driving every other to a tumultuous rave.

Resorting to worship is the easiest design.
Diamonds,gold silver add to the shine.
People flock to the shrine.
Hoping to convert their suffering to gain.

Worshipping in itself is divine.
If it for a cause it is but vain.
It is truth that holds the reign.
Eventually truth would always remain.

Actions cause Experience fall Lesson Life observation Poem threat. turmoil

Nothing at All.

sea fightA fight is going on in the sea.
Over an issue as small as a bee.
The gun shots go out in a spree.
Making the less powerful to flee.
The winner sails across the sea.
Reaches his destination in a glee.
Before he could rejoice he turns to see.
Lo! there arises another turmoil brewing up in the sea.

Actions Anger argument cause concept Experience feelings Interpretation Lesson Poem

Justifiable Argument.

debateArguments could be justifiable too,
if they rely on evidences true,
if they express righteousness in a slew,
if they earnestly demand fairness without a rue.

Arguing for a cause is a noble trial,
if they triumph over a faulty approval,
if they withstand a caustic referral,
if they represent a lofty ideal.

Basically arguing might be proactive,
if it is extended beyond the reactive
if it does not reflect anything subjective,
if it does not recall anything objective.

Arguments bring a controversy to an end,
if they are conducted without any interruptions,
if they reveal honourable interpretations,
if they record standard deviations.

Establishing the rights by voice is termed as argument.
Initiating a wordy dual to track the consequences is called as argument.
Entering into a debate to preserve the facts is dubbed as argument.
Serious personal involvement is baptised as argument.