category. Poetry

Your Coordinates

Fall into a category
get into the queue
go with a majority
flow with a tide
are all that come up
when you deviate
not for the bad
but out of dislike
you stand confused
came out with a disgust
to go again into the realms
prove to be fatal
so keep yourself to your coordinates
never merge with the multitude.multitude


The Sea In Its Fervour.

There in the beach 

sitting on the sandy stretch

the thoughts rise with the tide

up and up it goes with strength

then it slowly  flows back

as the tide goes down to the sea.


The repetition goes on for some more time

with the sea fuming and frothing all through

the mind is at turmoil and distracted

sighing and heaving with  frenzy

the sea, then settles down softly

so does the mind relaxing sea gently  to peace.






The Extravaganza

With the tides rising up 

and the wind blowing fiercely

the rains lash violently

with the thunder blaring out

and the newborn lamb with mother editlightening becoming so high

the land looked feeble

trembling like a sheep

unable to face the sudden outburst.


Go With The Tide.

With a bewildering thought
he made an apprehensive start
digging into the foray
getting into the array
knowing no other avenue
got into the venue
and lost himself in the milieu
vanishing in the retinue
becoming one with a crowd
losing the identity in a shroud
as it is always easy to go with a majority
than stay back with the minority
though the minority fight for justice
which is a folly thaat would be teased
and their rising vehementally in protest
as against the destructive tests
which they had undergone and undergo
without a faltering ego.
As it looks and sounds go with the tide
is safe and secure to abide
he amalgamated himself with the winning
and in course of time would be shining.
This is what is called as real prudence.
go with a tide.

Actions break Evolution Experience learning Lesson

Pressure Of Kind.

The head started to ache.

The  pressure  was on all sides.

It was a horrible take.

Everything went against the tides.

The exertion was unbearable to take.

There was none to guide.

The living was only for sake.

It was difficult to ride.

Would the pressure turn out to be a break?

Would it work out to be a long abide?

Nothing seem to be  conducive in the track.

All looks incredibly black. 







Enlightenment Evolution Experience Full Interpretation Poem thoughts

Degrees Of Comparisons.

Getting along  smooth is great.

Going with the tide is greater.

Standing out from the rest is greatest.

Degrees of comparisons trigger rates.


The positive makes the eyes race.

The comparative releases an amaze.

The superlative lets out an ablaze

The attitudes give a lively interface.


Life moves on with grace.

There are no entwining brace.

There is no debasing haze.

None the less there  is a glimmering gaze.