Poetry thoughts

Tumult Not a Fear.

The thunder is in full swing

the rain has taken its wings

the tumult is  not a fear anymore

being a pleasure  all the more

the breeze blows gently

moist laden in plenty

a beautiful experience

after a day of a penance

one  of unbearable heat

enough to beat

even a strong lad

it seemed very bad

as of now the rains

pour in a voluminous  strain

blessed be the people around

cheer being seen in the surround.kaboom



Coconuts At Home.

The  coconuts at home

plucked from the palms at home

small and big in size

look like an entice

the green husk around

the twigs surround

fall they in a bulk

three or five in a sulk

the man atop the palm

climbs with ease and calmcoconut harvesting

knows the ones full of content

knocks them down with an intent

they fall making a noise

the tender ones of choice

brought down carefully

lest the water would flow awfully

the man chops the dry fronds

as they keep themselves in a bond

it is two in one all the way

coconuts and clearing the density  in ways

nice to see the coconut harvest

I would do so every time with zest.








The Drizzle.

The drizzle all through the day

sent a  sensation so lovely and gay

wanted to reach out  to the fray

restrained the wish in a way 

 still overwhelmed  to play 

ran out to enjoy the rays 

the rain drops fell on the face 

went past  me without a trace

 yet could feel the dainty lace 

so good was it  in the brace.





My Style.

Didactic, preachy,
laborious, round about
comes the accusation
not in this platform didacticbut elsewhere
with reference to my poems
telling a simple thing
with lot of gerunds
and in a round about way
add to the complaint
looking at them felt worried
then brushed aside the criticism
as I feel I write out of passion
write for my satisfaction
not for money or fame
if round about be not to their appeal
let it be so as I continue to write
I am happy for whatever it is
let that be the end.


The Pleasure Great.

Singing is a pleasure

it is being a treasure

with the voice golden

and the expression  not frozen

with melody ringing

along with constant humming

with words so clear and musical

accompanied by background orchestra typical

the exaltation it  tenders is exuberant

with the  liveliness extremely (33)







The Rains Competitive.

Rains poured all day.
It poured all night.
The day rains were friendly
going with the city
disrupting none
disturbing none .
The night rainfall was competitive
coming down in force
not very terrible
but very minimal.
The rains turned a delight
helping man all out
making nature look beautiful
refreshed and glowingrain-of-mercy-and-forgiveness.


The little Blue Bird.

Seeing a blue bird in the morning
got thrilled more and more
as its colour was something unique
It was a variety of blue
not able to say exactly true
but a shine and a gleam thereto
that made one look through and through.
The blue bird sat on a bush
thick,fluffy and green all over not to rush
a pale green that had a cluster of dew drops
glittering like silver in the dawn as backdrop
marked by orange rays restoring and revitalising
The morn gave me a great experience rejuvenating
being colourful and lovely, picturesque and grand
If I had known painting I would have drawn
the most lovable scene on canvas blue bird.
qualifying for a wonderful reward.


The Physical Hunger–Lust.

The thrust in man to commit
is both acceptable and unacceptable.
The urge to do things
for the good of society
for the welfare of the community
come under the acceptable.
The drive to secure by greed
that go to get into the big
resorting to hoarding and amassing wealth
by unlawful means and discreet manipulations
resorting to illegal practices
gets an unacceptable quote.
Above all and above everything
the advances toward physical pleasures
the illicit contacts and the unlikely
attacks on the opposite sex
The polygamy and the rape give a notorious illustration
and this animal pleasure reflects on the individual
as a non formidable deviation resting on the excessive aggravation
linked to the progeny in the growth and style of the lineage.
The gruesome approach and the powerful plunge
destroys the mind and body all the same
revealing a dire, distasteful quality in the genes
inherent in the individual and expressed mostly in the teens
getting develoimages (54)ped in the years into a lust keen.
These call for a condemnation and a rounding up
providing a warning to the wrong doers in a crucial go.


Round -Haiku

As I know
round is beautiful as knownvalerie
denoting a pleasure.

Well, round is
symbol of happiness and joy
a gleeful exuberance

Actions Enlightenment Enrichment Experience feelings Lesson Poem Wisdom

A Feel On Writing.

Writing is for pleasure .

Writing is to be cherished as a treasure.

Writing brings about undue  pressure.

Writing  is  an activity of leisure

Writing is a  quality to ensure.