
An Applaud For Hands

Prodding over the uses of hand

I was taken aback in a stand

myriads be the uses like a wand

with eating  starts the work

follows the writing in task

adding to the embracing

when in extreme love

also to prayinga usage of  beating

when in  unbeatable anger

with an indicative pointer

going on to pinpoint aberration

goes the much used hand

for whatever  deployment

be it cleaning  or mopping

be it to applaud  or deplore

so many be the potential play

that the hand does in all

that without  them

man would have to go

helpless and defective.

handicapped and challenged

doing nothing innovative

for that matter anything proper.










Great And Greater.

Great  be the thought

Greater should be the deal.

Great be the desire

Greater should be the feel.

Great be the attitude.

Greater should be the outlook.

Great be the  execution

Greater should be the motivation.

With the great  and greater taking over

greatest should  be the achievement.great nd greater